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Full Version: Official Code Change : Gang Wars
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There is also no more vulgar mails coming our way fro being in a more do I have to open up mails that Read " you stupid........why the heck are you attacking us? This is complete.......and you are nothing but a ........

Fillin the balnks with what ever cuss words you desire. The new code makes non-donators just as valuable as donators in a war longer do you specifically need to target donators to recruit into your gang. The system still needs a lot of work buty overall it is more fair and balanced for ALL players than the old one.

The community will have to adapt to the new style but I dont think it will take long.


Dingus Wrote:Thats not war at all its terrorism.
Hahahah!!! lol :shock: lol


It seems like this new code has fundamentally changed the dynamic of AL. It is basically a totally different game now. I just spent, as did all of you, A LOT of time, energy and sometimes hard earned $$ because I really liked the way things were .

War used to be exciting, it was why we trained, it was personal, it was dramatic and sometimes it required diplomacy. Now it is abstract, impersonal and boring. I don't even know WHAT the point of training is anymore. I want to own faces, not hideouts.

I am all for tweaks and additions but I kind of feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me, I think the changes were too drastic.

just imho :cry:
I like the new update, means a gang with one strong member cant beat a gang of say 4-5 members on there own, the whole gang has to be active, im sure as it plays out and people get used to there will start to be some very close run wars.

One thing in a gang war we had today the other gang surrendered and as always we took it, but we got no points for that war we had the gang at over 600 damage and still won just didn't take them to zero, is that right if so in the future why would you accept a surrender as you have spent all them AP points and gained nothing.
It surely is different. I think combat needs to be part of war. Its natural. I liked the old warring system but there were some fixes needed to stop gangs that had lvl 15's+ attacking gangs that were 9-10's.

Somthing more along the lines of parity I guess is what I am trying to say.

You're not really losing anything per say in a war except for a few points and hideout damamge. Im willing to give it time and Im sure it will improve.


It's not inherrently's just different, totally different.
I'd like to know when the AL hammer and nails will be available at the hardware store in the industrial district. You know, for faster hideout repairs.


We'll try our best to keep things personal, Slick! Idea


Zenith, a problem. Our gang defense rate went down to -4 (minus four). i guess it shouldn't go below 0 right ?


mtngti Wrote:We'll try our best to keep things personal, Slick! Idea


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