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Game & Forum Suggestions

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  1. Proposal to tweak jobs (5 Replies)
  2. Happiness (5 Replies)
  3. Taxing Gang Members (10 Replies)
  4. Disposable Weapons and Black Market (6 Replies)
  5. Character types (3 Replies)
  6. Gang Item Vault (5 Replies)
  7. attribute retrieval (2 Replies)
  8. Jail House Ideas (1 Reply)
  9. Gambling (8 Replies)
  10. researching crimes (11 Replies)
  11. User List/Battle (2 Replies)
  12. Total cash earned (2 Replies)
  13. cops... (1 Reply)
  14. The gym page. (2 Replies)
  15. i have an idea about gang buildings (9 Replies)
  16. Top RP Games site (12 Replies)
  17. hitman (0 Replies)
  18. Accessory Slot (5 Replies)
  19. New Way To Do Crimes (1 Reply)
  20. Money-sink idea.. Housing rental (7 Replies)
  21. Travel time (13 Replies)
  22. Fighting in jail (1 Reply)
  23. More things to spend cash on!! :) (7 Replies)
  24. framing other people (10 Replies)
  25. Jail bust stats (1 Reply)
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