I think that the game should have more in the way of player to player interaction as far as gambling is concerned there should be more lucrative gambling events such as owning your own car and racing other people for slips or cash the race winner is determined by driving experience car damage car brand. Or horse betting like a TAB style game where horses race every day/hour and you win lose accordingly.
could be fun if it was a daily event in the game, and you could bet cash on it.
might even be real games that are used in the game.
Yes a daily horse race would also be an incentive for players to come online more often so then everyones a winner (except the person who bets on the loosing horses)
Ps my english teacher failed my english essay because i used loosing lol gosh and i did it again obviously i havn't learned my lesson!!!
do u play murder city, coz u can race cars and bet on races
Lol no i play torn city though so i was trying to steer clear of having the ideas of russian roulette and dog fights lol
man dont even mention murdercity haha its rubbish

anywho... i was thinking about the gambling idea and i thought that you could make another district like a los vegas district (not called that of course but you know) and then in that district instead of attacking players in this district you can race them and play them in russian roulette type games but you can only play these new gambling games in this certian district you can still attack people here but it is more about just a district where you can gamble your money... it would cost a lot to go there like a couple of thousand and while you are there there could be some kind of thing that doesn't allow you to train your gym stats or nerve stats so that you wont be at the gambling place all the time because you will want to get back to using stats on your player... just another idea tell me what you think!
ShadowDude Wrote:anywho... i was thinking about the gambling idea and i thought that you could make another district like a los vegas district (not called that of course but you know) and then in that district instead of attacking players in this district you can race them and play them in russian roulette type games but you can only play these new gambling games in this certian district you can still attack people here but it is more about just a district where you can gamble your money... it would cost a lot to go there like a couple of thousand and while you are there there could be some kind of thing that doesn't allow you to train your gym stats or nerve stats so that you wont be at the gambling place all the time because you will want to get back to using stats on your player... just another idea tell me what you think!
Cool idea. I can see players who don't want to get attacked going to the district when they log off though.
yea thats why it would cost a lot to go there i spose is it worth 5k to keep you safe for 2days if anyone else has ideas or modifictaions about it go ahead would be nice to see something implemented with enough careful planning