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Game & Forum Suggestions

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  1. hosp mins recievd and given for donators (7 Replies)
  2. AL Wiki(Cyberware) (12 Replies)
  3. email password recovery (2 Replies)
  4. Another E-Z Suggestion (18 Replies)
  5. Lotto (8 Replies)
  6. All the (6 Replies)
  7. Inactive (8 Replies)
  8. Jail. (1 Reply)
  9. battleground (13 Replies)
  10. I have an idea (20 Replies)
  11. Gym logs (1 Reply)
  12. trolling ban (1 Reply)
  13. attacks for last 24 hours (10 Replies)
  14. sections not viewable while in jail (0 Replies)
  15. i propose (5 Replies)
  16. Well (7 Replies)
  17. New skill concept (4 Replies)
  18. make (1 Reply)
  19. Not that anything will come of this (15 Replies)
  20. can somebody fix this? (15 Replies)
  21. Little Ingame Typo (7 Replies)
  22. Idea (2 Replies)
  23. Idea (8 Replies)
  24. attacking (12 Replies)
  25. POI idea (15 Replies)
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