Just like the real deal. Toss a couple thousand in and once a week numbers drawn winners gets pot. No winners, pot increases. Should be really simple to code and will give players something to look forward to every week.
(2012.Apr.12 06:19 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]Just like the real deal. Toss a couple thousand in and once a week numbers drawn winners gets pot. No winners, pot increases. Should be really simple to code and will give players something to look forward to every week.
I played a different game that did a lotto every week. It was always nice to win since you didn't have to put money in at all.
I was on a game that had weekly lotto, as well as other money giveaways. Their economy was out of control, probably from all that giving money away. Small playerbase, maybe a couple hundred active players, max.
The pot should be a standard 10k to start. After tht each ticket cost 1k and adds to the pot. So if 20 ppl bought tickets the pot would be 30k. If no1 wins the first week the second week the lotto should go up 20k so it would be 50k etc. each week it should add more to the the overall amount if no1 wins, ex. Week 3 +30k, week 4 +40k, and so on
i like the idea. maybe charge 5k or so per ticket. winner gets a donator pack. i don't see how 500 credits added into circulation a week would destroy the non-existent economy here.
You could also shrink the economy by taking money out of the game. You could return 90% of wagers to the players.
sounds like a great idea. to bad no one that matters could give a fuck.
Tru dat

Very good idea,a lot of people would actually play for lotto,in a game about this size I use to play had one and on it you would win almost 2 mill or more a week because it was so popular