Can the data in there just be for those that are classed as "active"
as soon as you go beyond the 2 weeks or whatever it is when you turn grey and "inactive" you get removed from the list, can't be too difficult to sort out.
Its nice to see yourself on it and when your not its not right to see people on it who havent logged in 1000 days

I would only like this as an option, I would like to see the best, not just the best now.
There could be a filter. One showing the actives and one showing all players
if they arent active dont see why they get the benefit of having their name on the poi
(2012.Feb.03 04:11 PM)johnthebishop Wrote: [ -> ]if they arent active dont see why they get the benefit of having their name on the poi
Shows the work they did beyond what others have done. Like the idea, but would prefer it to be a filter option like Teal said.
either way would be good, however i agree with what you say.
for that person to see their achievements they would have to be online and therefore they would automatically be back on the POI.
as far as they know they have never been off it,
just think it would help players like myself feel they are going somewhere when they see their name start appearing?
how about a poi that takes into account borg implants. to give us a more accurate idea of where we stand
(2012.Feb.03 04:54 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]how about a poi that takes into account borg implants. to give us a more accurate idea of where we stand
Borgs don't always work every fight.
(2012.Feb.03 04:18 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.Feb.03 04:11 PM)johnthebishop Wrote: [ -> ]if they arent active dont see why they get the benefit of having their name on the poi
Shows the work they did beyond what others have done. Like the idea, but would prefer it to be a filter option like Teal said.
(2012.Feb.03 05:42 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.Feb.03 04:54 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]how about a poi that takes into account borg implants. to give us a more accurate idea of where we stand
Borgs don't always work every fight.
35% of the time they all work 100% of the time