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what about introducing character types?


Thug, +10% extra gain on strength, -5% on dex and acc

Hitman +15% acc -10% strength -5% res

Street Fighter +10% res +5% dex -15% acc

can think of alot more character types, but this is just an idea, so i can come up with alot more...

And one would choose character type at each milestone. Lets say i chose Thugh when i started. And then on level 10 i was allowed to change my character type to Hitman, and on level 20 i changed to Street Fighter.

Each 10th level one could change a character type,but can only change once on the 10th level and one would have to change before levelling up.


sounds like an excellent idea to me as long as the bonuses that each character type give are posted and not hidden like so many other details in this game. I don't wanna choose a type and be stuck with something for 10 levels that I don't like. also, it doesn't only have to be stats that change.
for example,
thief - 20% better chance to succeed at crimes.

also, I think you should have to pay to change you character type even at the milestone levels. should take say 10*(you level)^2 dollars and 2*(your level) energy. just something as an incentive not to change.
Yeah if something like this was implemented i would want to see what i went too before choosing.


Sounds like a great idea
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