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General Discussion


  1. Gang war shame (85 Replies)
  2. LEVEL 21-30 !!!!!!! <--------- COMPLETED (9 Replies)
  3. What if? (6 Replies)
  4. Roulette (14 Replies)
  5. Kinda Crazy Idea.. (22 Replies)
  6. Jail Busters (2 Replies)
  7. Do you want an official contest once a month? (28 Replies)
  8. Why should you train? (26 Replies)
  9. Cars? (24 Replies)
  10. Gang Territory (10 Replies)
  11. An apology (5 Replies)
  12. Sports Book. (11 Replies)
  13. 1,337 Gang Points (8 Replies)
  14. Just a thought.. (20 Replies)
  15. Hit Points Question (6 Replies)
  16. (0 Replies)
  17. AL Birthday Competition (50 Replies)
  18. Level 10 and lower contest!!!! (17 Replies)
  19. inactives list (19 Replies)
  20. No bullets? (37 Replies)
  21. New Player's (4 Replies)
  22. damnit (26 Replies)
  23. Hit list (12 Replies)
  24. More Career Abilities (11 Replies)
  25. peace for pacifists/fights for those who like to get dirty (52 Replies)
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