We have guns but where is the ammo? Lets keep the original settings with no ammo cost but make a shop where we can buy Better ammo for our gun.
You mean like Armor piercing and hollow points?
sorry, OT but I love the new name, Soup.
I'm so friggin awesome :massivegrin:
Canosoup Wrote:You mean like Armor piercing and hollow points?
yea kinda.It just seems ive already used 40000 bullets ... man i must walk around like stallone in rambo first blood all day long

But yea more efficient bullets for you gun (at a small cost) as opposed to the bog standard ones.
Think of an equal bonus for melee users and having the option pop up in the attack page (use X-type bullets) would be fairly simple.
instead of better bullets, how about better stats?
dawilz Wrote:instead of better bullets, how about better stats?
nah, another crutch would be much better, w00k!

zenith Wrote:Think of an equal bonus for melee users and having the option pop up in the attack page (use X-type bullets) would be fairly simple.
ok try buy's a blade sharpener to restore blunt swords.razer sharp sword for 3 battles.
buy's a nail headed sheith for your axe to add spike damage in combat.brittle so only good for 3 battles.
Or maybe different fighting stances and styles the higher their dexterity is.