AwakenedLands Forums

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General Discussion


  1. we should have regular end trains (3 Replies)
  2. Irc Chat Page (8 Replies)
  3. what is happenning in al these days?? (22 Replies)
  4. arrogant gang (72 Replies)
  5. Attention admins! (18 Replies)
  6. slots prices (3 Replies)
  7. Hosp Tag on GangUserList (14 Replies)
  8. A new day (24 Replies)
  9. Never Ending War (2 Replies)
  10. "Combat - Blunt" (9 Replies)
  11. 641 mins (4 Replies)
  12. wtf? (9 Replies)
  13. New server (103 Replies)
  14. Lots of people to thank (10 Replies)
  15. ouch (13 Replies)
  16. Ranking stat gone....? (6 Replies)
  17. new Weapons (42 Replies)
  18. Gang Page Fight Details For PVP (3 Replies)
  19. Wow, look at this.. (12 Replies)
  20. Battle Arena (17 Replies)
  21. training resistance. (13 Replies)
  22. Multi-use Option (6 Replies)
  23. who has a Ares SR-35 Black Talon Pistols (Dual) (9 Replies)
  24. Longest fight you've had (25 Replies)
  25. Pistoils or Shotguns. (17 Replies)
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