Why the heck would i be jealous ive got nothing to be jealous about ive been in that Core 3 times Pest , DM , Cosa Ive got nothing to be jealous off LOL JEALOUS.
Off topic but i'd like to see the days i invested in my gang along with gang loyality days. They are two completely different things. If someone left to join another gang. pfffffft their own fault. Loyality days gone.
(2009.Apr.02 02:46 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Off topic but i'd like to see the days i invested in my gang along with gang loyality days. They are two completely different things. If someone left to join another gang. pfffffft their own fault. Loyality days gone.
Off topic but hello and welcome back sis.
Back on topic theres only one syndicate.
As a side note...
So far, a lot of people have come forward claiming that Bigrod said the gang would go with him to the grave. Howl, PhishEva, randomjacker come to mind but lots more peeps in the other thread. He refused to sell (at a lot more than 5 mil). He retired and kept it. He never logged back in. We know he's still playing other similar games. So he's not exactly afraid of the internet.
Zen, are you even sure the email came from him?
(2009.Apr.02 02:34 PM)stalker8929 Wrote: [ -> ]its rightfully mine and this is a lynch mob.if any rules were broken then take it from me but fact is fact and im the rightful owner.this is nothing more than jealously and i hate to see people i thought were friends stoop this low
it's principle.
would you let a friend get away with murder?
if shit aint right, it aint right!
I say the deal should go on hold till Bigrod logs in himself and clears it up. Zen, IF he sent you an email, please reply stating if he want to give up the gang he has to do it himself.
Just tell everyone Disclaimer 26. You like doing that to people Zen.
Just so people know I have no issue with the gang being put back into use, in fact I was very sad to see it retired. My issue is with the way it was put back into play. Just seems rather sneaky... and I really hope that they dont think it will be un-retired just because they're filling it up.
im sure he told you all something to get some piece of mind,everyone blew him up for the gang truth.and since he declined all of that money should insure that our deal was legit.like i said before i dont mean to make people mad.but i got a fair stake.and how much i paid doesnt matter,it could have been a buck, it changes nothing.i know everyone wants this gang and would rather see it retired than me get it.but right is right.i am the legal owner of this gang.
on another note that jealous remark wasnt meant towards you SK your my boy for life never get it twisted
if it was money credits or weapons you would take them away if they were a gift which it sounds like it is to me