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(2009.Apr.03 07:17 AM)Pixelle Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Apr.03 07:13 AM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]Attention + irregularities = Closer look // Closer look X Zen = Self'd
Well said, lol.
<3 to the PC girls, would have been kickass if you got the hideout!
this is the one sad part... I think Teal, and Jocasta would have served that hideout well and IMO are GREAT players... I wish it could have went different and they acquired it in a proper manner...
too bad they had to get involved with slim who I am sure was looking to get the proceeds from the sale of PC, or that shell down the road. no freebies specially of that magnitude...
Yeah. Bye bye, Slim.
That's all you have to say, folks.
Just as I had lost all faith in the AL forums, you all go ahead and completely redeem yourselves!
Thank you AL, your misguided truth's and back stabbing, delinquent camaraderie's have re-instilled my faith in the community!
(2009.Apr.03 10:18 AM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]Just as I had lost all faith in the AL forums, you all go ahead and completely redeem yourselves!
Thank you AL, your misguided truth's and back stabbing, delinquent camaraderie's have re-instilled my faith in the community!
HEY! F you Marlo
so the only way this gang gets out of retirement is if big comes back?
(2009.Apr.03 10:32 AM)drec92 Wrote: [ -> ]so the only way this gang gets out of retirement is if big comes back?
That gang shell is done... but Big used the name I suggested

felt it was fitting for what it has become... something no one can get
(2009.Apr.03 07:08 AM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Apr.03 06:41 AM)JaySin Wrote: [ -> ]i would just like to point out that i understand that if slim was mailing folks about joining that game then the banning is understood. HOWEVER, i still feel like you guys acted like arses over this whole gang thing.
well that's expected from you... your not very bright.... in this game you don't get something for nothing.. Last night it was confirmed that slim paid absolutely nothing for that gang. what he paid he was sent back at the time....
People want things to be at least somewhat fair, and that's what we got!
Before you judge a person's mental capacity.... Maybe you should stop, and think about all the people there are in this world who are smarter than you RJ. Mostly the ones that picked on you in school. See i would have been one of them.
You're associated with any of the Villains gangs..Why?
(2009.Apr.03 11:42 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You're associated with any of the Villains gangs..Why?
Lol ok tommi so RJ can say im not very bright but i cant even comment back. You all do realize it just a fictional Gang in a Fictional Game on the internet.

This all might be fictional, but your mental capabilities are of no surprise..You're pretty dim, like movie theater lights.
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