to quote you spin it what ever way you want.
you had a war we won the hits went on and on and on and on................................................... hits that had been going on for about a week with every excuse under the sun for them. that said mail was sent 14 days ago was it not and the said attacks only started about 7 days maybe my maths is a bit off. Everyone was online and you really thought that person should have bent over and took it because not posting on the forum makes it look like we have complete control over situation
but then again to quote you again "USHANEWNEWBA SV always loses forum battles, people root for the [butts] you can prove your points and not curse thank you-USH of AL"
sorry but it was a paste of a msn you sent howl can get the whole covo for you if you cant remember it the curse was already there
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Anyway..
On a more serious note, I don't see why anyone is hitting the lower level persons of Villains. Whenever I was in Villains, none of the lower persons called the shots. Punisher, or one of his more loyal, trusting persons, would call the shots. The little peanuts at the bottom of the can don't really deserve to be hospitalized.
Y'all should go for the bigger targets; Punisher and whoever else. I'm pretty sure hospitalizing the little guys that can't even lay a hand y'all isn't doing much good, anyway..Big waste of energy.
A gang is a gang, those individuals choose to be there. They do get hit way less thant the top guys, and it's our energy to waste. They are not being forced to leave or anything like that, but they will get hit at times.
Punisher IMO does an excellent job at commanding SV, he takes all info brought to him and makes precise decisions. Excellent leader IMO.
hunter52070 Wrote:ShadowKid Wrote:^^^^^^ listen to this guy people talks alot of sense im being serious if you lot think otherwise
Woot Ush you got the best guy in the forums on your side now!!!
You go son!
are u just thick or just a idiot that was meant for bethmoth get a life and yes usha does talk sense
Bullies being bullied! This cannot be allowed to go on (sarcasm)
Yeah...He's a good guy, but you don't quite have a reason to hit those little fellas. You're not warring SV. You've lost a war, sure, but yeah..Shouldn't that be a means of saying 'get stronger and kick their junk in the dirt?'
And, really..I haven't seen any of the bigger names get hit yet today. Why not hit all of them?
As for 'Bullies being bullied,' Biff..Villains aren't bullies, for say. They'll defend one another. I'm sure the main reason why they're deemed 'bullies' is because not many people can actually beat them.
Nice trap, Ush. Lots of live ones falling right in.
Off topic... how do some of you people communicate in real life? I'm guessing lots of grunts and improvised sign language. Sheet, I can't understand half of the posts in here.
mtngti Wrote:Nice trap, Ush. Lots of live ones falling right in.
Off topic... how do some of you people communicate in real life? I'm guessing lots of grunts and improvised sign language. Sheet, I can't understand half of the posts in here.
I do what I do.
mtngti Wrote:Nice trap, Ush. Lots of live ones falling right in.
Off topic... how do some of you people communicate in real life? I'm guessing lots of grunts and improvised sign language. Sheet, I can't understand half of the posts in here.
I like to use tugs along with the grunts and improvised sign language. Gets their attention better!
Yea bro true.I had a decent run in the vills and found it an ok family.Backup wherever you needed it.But looking back we were kinda bullies.Noone could attack a vill and get away with it even if we were wrong.It pretty much gave you a license to kill and not be killed.Is it right IDK.