from what i hear the incident was totally containg to laws when it was first discovered a shout down was pondered to do exactly what dw suggested but after lookin into it a bit further it was realized that none of the credits left 7laws
(2009.Jun.07 03:48 PM)ryanpearce Wrote: [ -> ]so directly people shold be banned all others involved should have the endurance/credits./stats etc took away back to what they were before the event?
im nearly 2 years old in AL and have never seen this before has it happened before i joined?
I mean all credits have now been taken back and everything is back to normal.
What more needs to be done the hacker has been caught and credits back to normal?
how are you so certain that it's just crunchy?
and even if he worked on his own his gang didnt' stop him, they took advantage
I was in that gang and only left to help get seven sins going. And nothing was done then i am sure it was crunchy from conversations i have had.
Nobody can say much until they are put in that position
im just wishin i got some big credits. u all know i need em.
that and that ive seen ppl fedded for a lot less serious stuff
(2009.Jun.07 03:48 PM)ryanpearce Wrote: [ -> ]so directly people shold be banned all others involved should have the endurance/credits./stats etc took away back to what they were before the event?
im nearly 2 years old in AL and have never seen this before has it happened before i joined?
I mean all credits have now been taken back and everything is back to normal.
What more needs to be done the hacker has been caught and credits back to normal?
read carefully what i posted
all who took advantage DIRECTLY have to be punished(credits and cash/items bought with profit from the event confiscated and fed'd)
if credits obtained with the cheat left 7laws the endurance/intell...etc purchased with them has to be returned and the players who purchased them must recive their money back
do you understand now???? also i am extremely curious as to why no one part from you ryan(who isn't even in 7laws) doesn't show up
lol that was fecking funy
Guess I better show up, i agree with Ryan even tho i got sick of reading everything after the 3rd page, but I do regret...
not being online 4 this big Credit Crunch
I fully understood what you said. thats why i said that endurance/stats and credits should be given back. Maybe u need to read more. And the reason i spoke up is that i am a seven lawer just not in the gang at the minute like fatality is part of every gang in al just not at this moment in time
we were all originally going to get banned.
she reverted everything back. stats, donator days, money, ect....
crunchy sent a mass mail out saying we were allowed all the credits we wanted, zen wasnt online at the time so i couldnt question it.
should i have waited?
yes especially since crunchy is a known trouble maker
and get all the credits you want??? no offense bud but to fall for that is plain stupid
creds are how Zen makes the cash off this game
giving all the credits you want for free to one gang would beat the purpose of that
and ryan don't play smart
we all know you're not