I wonder if they are selling credits...
This really is distressing to me. I've always had tons of respect for 7Laws and the boys have always been super sweet to me.
I guess I'll just sit back and let things unfold. *grabs popcorn and jager*
Yea its kinda confusing to me as well. thats a VERY strong allegation. I think we need answers.
i cant even begin to imagine Seven Laws cheating. If it were Jaysin, that i could understand
. I think we all definitely need answers.
(2009.Jun.07 12:13 PM)shadowlinger Wrote: [ -> ] i cant even begin to imagine Seven Laws cheating. If it were Jaysin, that i could understand . I think we all definitely need answers.
I just had a convo with a member of 7laws in a private messenger who says its all true!
It looks really bad.
And I'm actually surprised no one from 7 laws or Zen comments here. I get that Crunchy found the thing, and deposited into 7 laws vault, but was there any use of those credits?
90 000 000 credits is a major fraud.
78 260. 00$ REAL LIFE.
well not that i don't like the crew from 7laws but from the looks of it almost all of them tried to take advantage of the cheat, not only crunchy so either free him
(can't believe i'm saying this) or fed all who participated
(can't believe i'm saying this either)
seriously guys nothing personal or anything but it's really not fair imo
i typically keep out of the gangs social affairs these days since it got so big but i feel i have to speak to protect our integrity. Yea there is a whole complicated story behind it and the admins know what went down people/person have been stripped. even i was like wow and i've seen some crazy shit in life. i still dont know why we allow so many people to have privleges in our gang. i guess its just us being trustworthy of the human race, or maybe because the majoritry of us know each other in real life. this is another reason why all of use should be more selective in our doling out of privs/it wasnt a seven laws thing it was a certian gang member/s thing. sorry for being vague but i dont wanna point the finger.
well than all the members implicated have to pay
let's face facts
crunchy is to dumb to pull that on his own
Cheats should be fedded, end of story.
Zen never had any problem fedding other game cheats so what's up with having the same rules applied consistently.
I'm making no judgements till the whole thing unfolds, but it does look like a massive fraud. If cheats are not jailed that just says to the rest of AL 'yeah, go look for as many hacks as you can, it's ok. If you get away with it....bonus! If you get caught we'll just take away the benefits you got illegally but you won't get fedded, so no danger'.
There should be consequences for EVERYONE caught cheating!