(2009.Jun.10 09:33 AM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]If it has, it hasnt been made public.
She already made her case in the forum. If you want her to post it in an announcement or whatever to achieve your goal, this will get worst. I can guarantee you. Why are you trying to blow this thing out of proportion?
When the case was ended 2-3 weeks ago, someone, who has the same mentality as you, sneak in our private forum and took the picture. Can you already see the chaos?
She stated her case and said she may change her mind if we made a good case. Go read it again. People have said this, how many times. The private case ended 2-3 weeks ago, the public case just started the other day.
Thanks for the compliment on my mentality, obviously you dont have much or you would have stopped your weak arguments dozens of pages ago.
But I would like to be done with this and let the admins do what they may. Hopefully the ones who believe 7s did wrong get their "justice".
Regardless of any players social record, the fact that such an over whelming response from the community is going unnoticed is a travesty. There are a lot of us who have been playing this game for a long time, and while I have watched you ban many players for infractions that have amounted to much less than this, I have very rarely intervened. In this instance, again despite the players social record or previous friendships, your actions are reprehensible.
You have a large portion of the active player base stating that they are upset by the actions taken by a few players, and your lack of a legitimate response, both in this thread and within the games Fed Jail code, are extremely distressing. While I am but one voice of many here, I can say that my confidence in your decision making as an Admin has been lost, my desire to donate even one more dollar to this game is gone, and the fact that you have so callously dismissed the general community has me wondering whether or not my time, and a lot of it, is better spent elsewhere.
As this is your game, the repercussions to actions taken against it are decided upon and doled out by you, this however comes with the responsibility of doing what is right not only in your eyes, but in the collective eye of the community as well.
In short, the lack of action taken in this case is absurd.
Thank you for wanting us to go to jail so bad.
If we stay out of jail, everyone will be worst off. Because, there are many free stuff available and we will take advantage of them.
I apologize for that. Truly.
You took 90,000,000 credits out of your gang vault and used them to your advantage.
You cheated Zeon. Shocking enough to say, but you cheated.
I have no desire for you to go to jail. I do, however, care enough about the game that I have sunk two years of my life into to comment on the actions taken by the Admins against cheaters.
Sorry dude, you made the mistake, not any of us.
(2009.Jun.10 07:48 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry to say that no one has mentioned rule #2 in the whole board except for you, buddha. You obviously seeing something that we are not seeing. What are we ignorance about?
Actually, I've quietly directed some of my arguments towards your ignorance. XD
(2009.Jun.10 09:32 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Her decision has been made. Shut up or quit IMO
I'm shocked.
(2009.Jun.10 10:22 AM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]You took 90,000,000 credits out of your gang vault and used them to your advantage.
You cheated Zeon. Shocking enough to say, but you cheated.
I have no desire for you to go to jail. I do, however, care enough about the game that I have sunk two years of my life into to comment on the actions taken by the Admins against cheaters.
Sorry dude, you made the mistake, not any of us.
Marlo, I do too, care about the game as I have sunk one and half year of it. I have watch it growth and built upon it.
I believed that I was not wrong in the situation. Because of the following.
1) I took the necessary steps to make sure everything was set back to normal.
2) I did not know where or how the credit from.
3) I did not take advantage of the situation and use it to better myself as a final outcome
What you are saying are base on ONE picture and assumption. Yet, very harshly accuse of one of your longtime friend.
(2009.Jun.10 10:35 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]Marlo, I do too, care about the game as I have sunk one and half year of it. I have watch it growth and built upon it.
I believed that I was not wrong in the situation. Because of the following.
1) I took the necessary steps to make sure everything was set back to normal.
2) I did not know where or how the credit from.
3) I did not take advantage of the situation and use it to better myself
What you are saying are base on ONE picture and assumption. Yet, very harshly accuse of one of your longtime friend.
Zeon. I would just stop, if I were you. There are things that everyone on both sides of this fence do not understand, including yourself.
Zeon, as I have already stated earlier in the thread, you have spent a lot of time analyzing and theoretically extrapolating on the games algorithms and codes. On top of that you are a donator and an active player. For you to say that you took 90 million credits unknowing of their illegitimacy is insulting. Excuse me, but most of us, especially the top tier players here are adults, with both inquiring minds and a serious stake in this game. Please try to keep that in mind as you plead your case.
Ignorance is no excuse is what marlo is saying
Also the $2000 bucks I spent on my end was REAL money