(2009.Jun.08 12:08 AM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]the credits were used before we knew they were stolen, hacked, cheated, whatever'd.
we were skeptical at first so we mailed zen, including crunchy. i didnt feel like waiting for her response so we used the credits.
This is admitting guilt in my eyes.
I really don't have have much sympathy for you guys. Yes it happened a couple of weeks back and if there was half a brain between you in your gang you could have avoided this mess.
After Zen and Err showed the 7 laws gang leniency for your stupidity someone goes ahead and hands out screen shots of the gangs indiscretions to other players?
You guys deserve a fed jail sentence for your idiocy alone. Now you have the AL community on your back and on top of that it looks like Zen and Err will have to tend to another of your messes after being kind enough to clean the last one up for you.
^^Smartest thing I've seen all thread.
ok so i only read to like 17 so dont get mad at me if someone else covered this...
honestly if i found an exploit i would definitely test it.... not saying i would take a ton, maybe enough for a month of donator.... i would then tell the admins about the exploit and then expect to be banned/punished somehow... and if someone just randomly gave me a bunch of creds i would say sweet free end... same as if some guy just walked up to me in rl and gave me eighty grand i would say sweet... i can go get a better car..... but if the money was stolen i know pleading ignorance wouldnt help and i would definitely loose the car and probably get some jail time... so ya the guys in the gang were dumb but everyone is stupid occasionally
so they got punished admin probably had a reason for being so light (may have been covered... i got bored of reading this stuff) so let it go
Crunchy was dumb to load billions of credits into the gang vault.....but what if he had been smarter and used the exploit for a couple of thousand here and there. This could have run on for ages and I think that is what is bugging most other users.
It's like 'oh s.h.i.t! We can never cover up a scam this big, we're gonna get found out anyway so best to fess up now'
Jocasta, that is what everyone is missing. if i had wanted to ruin the AL game i could have slowly got free credits, sold them on the credit market. and eventually made AL super-inflated thus ruining the game for everyone else. Instead i chose to test it out with a large sum of credits, then have admins informed of this exploit and another one, which was being used by other users (confirmed by zen).
Honestly, if i wanted to ruin AL i could have. When zen mailed me about the credits i told her exactly how i exploited it and how to fix it. You guys do not know the full story, and you never will know the full story. The amount of mis-information i have seen in this thread reminds me of chinese whispers "ooh i a friend of a friend told me this via msn".
Instead of whining about the free credits ( and yes, they were FREE credits, no one lost credits, no credits were removed from a bank account, they were created the moment i hit the submit button, for free), you people should be thankful that someone with a different motive didn't find the exploit and use it to destroy your 2nd homes.
Bunch of fraggin drama queens. Your opinions don't count as this never concerned you in the first place. This issue had been handled professionally by the admins up until someone decided to stir the pot more. The admins are well aware of who used the credits on what and how. Zen & Err have already spoken to the involved 7 laws members and this issue was dealt with. No one benefited from the credits as they have been deleted. no one got extra trains or anything. You are all just whinging cause you are bored. When you have a current issue that needs addressing, then you can whine. Until then. stfu and let the admins do their job.
(2009.Jun.08 01:33 AM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]Jocasta, that is what everyone is missing. if i had wanted to ruin the AL game i could have slowly got free credits, sold them on the credit market. and eventually made AL super-inflated thus ruining the game for everyone else. Instead i chose to test it out with a large sum of credits, then have admins informed of this exploit and another one, which was being used by other users (confirmed by zen).
Honestly, if i wanted to ruin AL i could have. When zen mailed me about the credits i told her exactly how i exploited it and how to fix it. You guys do not know the full story, and you never will know the full story. The amount of mis-information i have seen in this thread reminds me of chinese whispers "ooh i a friend of a friend told me this via msn".
Instead of whining about the free credits ( and yes, they were FREE credits, no one lost credits, no credits were removed from a bank account, they were created the moment i hit the submit button, for free) . You people should be thankful that someone with a different motive didn't find the exploit and use it to destroy your 2nd homes.
granted not many of us know the whole story but are you saying: you found an exploit, and only you and certain members (out of the kindest of your heart)(that's not in a sarcastic since either) and had to test it for the good of AL and that's the end of the story?
why are you still fed jailed then?
edit: b/c you just updated your last post. this isn't stirring up such, or being a drama queen. it's a question, and i think that some ppl really just want answers.
No one else tested out the exploit. only me, no one else knew about the exploit. im still fed jailed cause i do deserve it, 1 for looking for an exploit and 2 for being stupid and involving my gang members (with me depositing it in the vault).
My fedjail message might be confusing as well, I was in contact with zen when Err fed jailed me with the current reason. That was before Err had been informed of exactly what happened by zen.
edit: baggs, im not trying to sound like a hero "doing it for the greater good of AL". im just saying that i wasnt out to destroy AL, and people should be thankful that the exploit was fixed before someone who wanted to sabotage AL got hold of it.
The smart thing would have been to pass the exploit on to the admins and let them test it.