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If you want people to follow your rules, they need to be applied, or else you got chaos.

What speaks for you are your past actions.

What humans are looking for is justice.

What players are looking for is fair play.
love the sinner, hate the sin
10:00 pm
New! You received $1 from ImTooSexyForAL. Delete
9:58 pm You received $5 from MaxGhost. Delete
9:47 pm You received $200 from Zeon.

Why the hell am I receiving money?
look at the appreciation thread tommi


9:49 pm You received $69 from Isupport7laws.
9:37 pm You received $150 from YourMother.

Mommy spoke, its gotta mean something!

Quote:What speaks for you are your past actions.

What humans are looking for is justice.

What players are looking for is fair play.
False, what is true justice? Who/what decides if its just or not? your opinion or mine?
False, just looking for some trouble or self-satisfaction
While i do not agree with 7laws getting away with only a slap over the hand i will respect Zen's decision. All in all it's her game.

(2009.Jun.08 09:20 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ]While i do not agree with 7laws getting away with only a slap over the hand i will respect Zen's decision. All in all it's her game.


No offense, but how does Q.E.D. have anything to do with this?
it wasn't directed to you
so mind your business Evil


so he said that he got a huge raise at work and they belived he spent that much on credits haha what is he an arms dealer. No they knew as soon as they saw 90,000,000 credits it was wrong and if any of them used some they could not belive they were legit at all.... Of course i am going out on a limb and guessing everyone that plays is half intelligent. It is fixed so I don't care what happens to them. Just come up with a better excuse next time.
This IS everyone's business!
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