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i agree with buuddha
ignorance is not an excuse
and again people have been fed'd for lesser offences.
90mil credits? you all say "o yeah anyone would take them" but a comon sense chek would show that few would do it
a simple calculation would show the ammount of RL cash that would normally be involved in a transaction like that
and in all honesty i woudn't spend 800k USD on a mmorpg in 1 single night even if i'd win 200mil at lotto
all the laws members who took the credits should be punished
a slap on the wrist and saying "we're sorry we were stupid" is not enough IMO
Emo, apologies are in order from everyone involved because they took advantage, how ever briefly, and as howls stated it took time away from her and err having the chance to do better things for the game (even though this helped the game a bit). You said your sorry and now are trying to lick the wounds for the whole gang. You try and make everyone else sound ignorant because they dont agree with your thought process. This would have found its way to the forums sooner or later and this discussion would have happened at some point.

I am now on the side of permanent fed jail for emos for getting so many involved, and I think that fed'd members should never again be allowed to post in the forums.
He apologized and took responsibility for his actions. This is what a MAN does. Accept it or don't. Either way move on!
Are you saying your involved dingus? Wink Ninja
i AM emo



(2009.Jun.08 12:17 AM)Jocasta Wrote: [ -> ]....and they were not FREE credits, they were STOLEN credits, let's get it right.

This is the truth, regardless of whether the manner in which they were obtained caused them not to be stolen from xxxx bank, they are still stolen due to the fact that you have to PAY MONEY to get credits. FREE credits = Someone having donated, and giving them for free to a fellow player.

Using an exploit to get credits, is the same as stealing credits.

Seriously, we have two people Fed Jailed, one for disclaimer # 26, and another for I believe either rule # 24, or just a game rules violation but nothing more specific.

Personally, I dont care if all the damage has been reversed, I dont care if Zen already thinks she has dealt with this situation. What I do care about is the fact that PEOPLE KNOWINGLY CHEATED, LikeWhoa states that they knew something was off with the credits but decided to use them whilst they were waiting on Zenith to reply.

If people walk from cheating, what kind of message does that send to the rest of the community? I for one am done, this game wont see another donation from me, and if nothing is done as far as punishment goes towards those who used the credits, I have a feeling a lot more donators are going to quit donating.

I dont play games where admins allow xxx people to use an exploit, especially when it's painfully obvious that it was an exploit, unless of course everyone who was involved really IS THAT STUPID, in which case, you wouldn't know how to do anything anyway.

And Zeon, you're a coward, all you're doing is trying to save yourself from being possibly fed jailed with your "it's resolved, let it go" comments.

LikeWhoa's post for those who missed it.

(2009.Jun.08 12:08 AM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]the credits were used before we knew they were stolen, hacked, cheated, whatever'd.

we were skeptical at first so we mailed zen, including crunchy. i didnt feel like waiting for her response so we used the credits.

continue speculating if you want, but thats what happened.
Good morning!
Brugada, who are apologies due to? From what i know, the involved members have already apologized to zen and err. I still see absolutely no need for the involved members to apologize to the public.

technically, they were free credits.
(2009.Jun.08 07:49 AM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ]If people walk from cheating, what kind of message does that send to the rest of the community? I for one am done, this game wont see another donation from me, and if nothing is done as far as punishment goes towards those who used the credits, I have a feeling a lot more donators are going to quit donating.

I dont play games where admins allow xxx people to use an exploit, especially when it's painfully obvious that it was an exploit, unless of course everyone who was involved really IS THAT STUPID, in which case, you wouldn't know how to do anything anyway.


Some form of punishment has to be done publicly. If you can walk away from cheating by just an apology then one of two things is going on. A) favorites are made by admins or B) the rules are not fully enforced. Zen and Err you guys have always handled any problems I've had (even small and trivial) but this makes both of you look just as bad when nothing happens.

I can't say I expect punishment right away, maybe you guys are thinking of an appropriate consequence, so I will wait for something to be done. I do (as does most of the community) expect something.
what is all this shit about cheating? no one cheated. an admin was informed and people, bored in the meantime used the credits. it wasn't cheating. it was stupidity.
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