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alinutza Wrote:
thatthingufear Wrote:Who has spent more money on stims and nimbus? Villians and Poxy, or the Hanson brothers? Del said you guys wanted to be the fly in Villains ear, and your goal was to make them spend money. But do you guys actually win if you spent more money then them?

i dont think it's about money...
delpot Wrote:we have not failed. so what if a few of us spend some time in the hosp. if it means SV has to spend a single AL dollar for a stim...a nimbus, a credit means we won.

we are the gnat on their ear. we are pestering them. and dont be fooled...they hate it.
Ushanewnewba Wrote:Word has it, this assault has been too much for SV, financial collapse is imminent. Keep hitting!!!

SV convo last night ended with SV begging for a fresh start and to stop the attacks.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:
dekarr Wrote:[Image: graph.jpg]

Wouldn't those stims purchased totals be lowered by today? I'm sure people're running out of money.
Punisher Wrote:hmm...ok youve spent more on stims and food than i have on travel and nice work there
biffbaffboff Wrote:Diss have slammed SV'S in a hosp war single handedly.Remember the last time?

.We welcome all the assistance we can get,dominating the SV's last time was boring and expensive.Now that SV's are fighting a 3 way war its their pockets being dipped.
thatthingufear Wrote:
alinutza Wrote:
thatthingufear Wrote:Who has spent more money on stims and nimbus? Villians and Poxy, or the Hanson brothers? Del said you guys wanted to be the fly in Villains ear, and your goal was to make them spend money. But do you guys actually win if you spent more money then them?

i dont think it's about money...
delpot Wrote:we have not failed. so what if a few of us spend some time in the hosp. if it means SV has to spend a single AL dollar for a stim...a nimbus, a credit means we won.

we are the gnat on their ear. we are pestering them. and dont be fooled...they hate it.
Ushanewnewba Wrote:Word has it, this assault has been too much for SV, financial collapse is imminent. Keep hitting!!!

SV convo last night ended with SV begging for a fresh start and to stop the attacks.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:
dekarr Wrote:[Image: graph.jpg]

Wouldn't those stims purchased totals be lowered by today? I'm sure people're running out of money.
Punisher Wrote:hmm...ok youve spent more on stims and food than i have on travel and nice work there
biffbaffboff Wrote:Diss have slammed SV'S in a hosp war single handedly.Remember the last time?

.We welcome all the assistance we can get,dominating the SV's last time was boring and expensive.Now that SV's are fighting a 3 way war its their pockets being dipped.
This is like an ESPN SportsCenter five minute update!
I never knew travels and refills were the same as stims and nimbus..I never knew an orange was an onion, either..The things you learn in AL.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:I never knew travels and refills were the same as stims and nimbus..I never knew an orange was an onion, either..The things you learn in AL.
Don't you spend money doing those things, or do have a bus pass and never ending energy? This is about spending money not you being,


What I learned today is that of all Val, Diss, diss hoppers and diss soldiers, for all evening long, there was not more than 12 members total online. Some players are getting tired of the hospital faster than others.

Begging has begun but not from SV.

As for if we spent a dime you won, it's not like it hurt any of us to spend 100k on stims. That donate button is always so quick!

Truth is, you guys are all happy to be able to hit a few SV and when we dont stim out (players offline) you look at the hosp and are all proud that a level 60 managed to hosped 2-3 lvl 25.
It's also the weekend and the end of holiday so people probably won't be on in great numbers until Monday. Smile
I have been online all day even tho I've spent it in the far as I'm concerned this war really had nothing to do with me and the only thing I've done to contribute to it was take up a hospital bed...


DustiWoot Wrote:It's also the weekend and the end of holiday so people probably won't be on in great numbers until Monday. Smile
I was wondering who would use that lame excuse... Week-end is the same for every1, I prefer to be sitting at my pc on the week-end than on christmas day. Your friends claimed victory when we went away to celebrate for a few hours. I guess there will always be an excuse to not be online.
Big deal....wa wa wa...anybody who's been in a real fist fight doesn't give a rats anus about being put in a virtual hospital...
It's actually quite valid @ Thor. Lame, but valid, nonetheless. Of course, you can't understand 'life', as a whole. As you said; 'That donate button is always so quick!' None of us had to waste Christmas cheer, here in Dissidence, to smack around SV/VS/PC.

Wasn't your gang flaunting the same thing, Thor? You know; bunch of offline players they hospitalized? Valid display of dominance, but pretty hypocritical when you're spouting your lip about it, making it out like it's lame..Poor kid.
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