2008.Dec.29, 06:40 PM
2008.Dec.29, 06:41 PM
Hannibal Wrote:lol. you guys crack me up, Tommi, Biff, did you honestly think you could take us down, that is bad leadership, no doubt stirred up by Dru and his lapdog Raf, who have tried this with all the gangs they have been in. It didn't work then, it won't work now. But if you're going to have drama queens in your gang what can you expect. I can't remember reading such tosh before, well ok, maybe when I was about 6 in the playground and everyone was name calling, thats the closest I've come to the childish drivel you espousel
It was a noble effort, one day you might wake up to the fact that we're not going away, we'll keep coming to the dance for as long as we're invited.
*takes a bow and walks of the stage*
This war wasn't my doing but now that it is here I am gonna thoroughly enjoy it. All this chat about everyone else then the poster just posting mindless drivel is getting tiring and a bit frustrating cause you just show a severe lack of creativity.
The fact that you brag about spending real money to keep this war up and running for SV is a bit silly you know, I haven't spend a single dime and I am stilling pulling my fair share of the weight.
The fact that we have gotten you donating to this extent is just fun, means we have pushed you on the fence.
Our plan worked Zenith, we got them donating heavily! I still get half right?
2008.Dec.29, 06:42 PM
Firstly, I'm not NT, I'm one of his friends.
And the power's always shifting, I know that. And the person/gang at the top will always be challenged by someone. That's another fact. But this attitude of 'we're the best, why are you bothering?' can go hang. You're the strongest right now- well done! Have a gold star. And we, or whoever else, will push you over and again until you fall. And someone else will take over. We're not gonna sit and leave you guys at the top though. Be thankful for that.
And the power's always shifting, I know that. And the person/gang at the top will always be challenged by someone. That's another fact. But this attitude of 'we're the best, why are you bothering?' can go hang. You're the strongest right now- well done! Have a gold star. And we, or whoever else, will push you over and again until you fall. And someone else will take over. We're not gonna sit and leave you guys at the top though. Be thankful for that.
2008.Dec.29, 06:43 PM
cool...a challenge....so mono y mono....didnt think so 
next please

next please
2008.Dec.29, 06:47 PM
LordSkie Wrote:But this attitude of 'we're the best, why are you bothering?' can go hang. You're the strongest right now- well done! Have a gold star. And we, or whoever else, will push you over and again until you fall. And someone else will take over. We're not gonna sit and leave you guys at the top though. Be thankful for that[/b].
is this what we are fighting for? i really really want to know?
ps: i am serious about this
2008.Dec.29, 06:56 PM
biffbaffboff Wrote:Hyde and Pun are both illiterate.
yes johnrambo i am illiterate...i cant read...i dont know how i make it through each day knowing i cant read....i feel like such a fool for never learning how to read....i am such a waste of carbon and water.....
next post please
2008.Dec.29, 07:00 PM
LordSkie Wrote:Firstly, I'm not NT, I'm one of his friends.
Opps my bad not sure what made me think you were nighttrain but know you are both from the same era.
And the power's always shifting, I know that. And the person/gang at the top will always be challenged by someone. That's another fact. But this attitude of 'we're the best, why are you bothering?' can go hang. You're the strongest right now- well done! Have a gold star. And we, or whoever else, will push you over and again until you fall. And someone else will take over. We're not gonna sit and leave you guys at the top though. Be thankful for that.
Yep thats part of the game always has been, we saw it, we done it, we welcome it it, keeps every thing moving, but that does not mean we should roll over as soon as a gang thinks they can take us. We have not had a big power challenge for AGES and it was getting stale at the top.
biffbaffboff Wrote:Hyde and Pun are both illiterate.
I thought I made it clear I im dyslexic, go goggle it if you dont know what it is, but thanks for that, now go sit in the corner and let the grown up talk.[/b]
2008.Dec.29, 07:09 PM
Punisher Wrote:biffbaffboff Wrote:Hyde and Pun are both illiterate.
yes johnrambo i am illiterate...i cant read...i dont know how i make it through each day knowing i cant read....i feel like such a fool for never learning how to read....i am such a waste of carbon and water.....
next post please
You said it
2008.Dec.29, 07:18 PM
actually i never spoke it...i wrote it...had to clarify you on that one Mr. Hawking
2008.Dec.29, 07:20 PM
Your English and sarcasm is lost on you, Black adder, monty poythen, fawlty towers come on man or did you spend all your time at the pleasure beach.