ZhuSeth Wrote:*nods* I agree.
I even try chatting with those in the Events log. 
Cheetah blocked me though o.O
I didn't even insult her.
she has a habbit of insulting people then block them
lmao.....now that is funny
*sighs* Must've been that time of the month.

I've got a great idea...Let's create a forum topic where everybody cries around about getting hosped...too late I think this is it...
ZhuSeth Wrote:who cares about level?
You're right! Ask Rafal, I think the only 2 members of our gang who hasn't overpower him in the last week are our 2 level 25...
As for hoppers, mail your friends, they started to hit VS before we hit them. Could be an accident but it did happen though.
Hi Doc, you and I go back a long way and I have a hard time hitting one of my referral but my GF is doing a good job for me I think. Speaking of that, any1 knows why half of my active referrals went to the diss family? I should convince them all to leave and start their own gang

Yeah...don't worry...you know me I don't take this stuff serious...and sif did knock my teeth to the back of my skull last night thank you...
18424 VS Swill 17 115 Hospitalized by VaSherRa.
15560 VS Troy 26 114 Hospitalized by VaSherRa.
27214 VS List6vl 11 61 Hospitalized by VaSherRa.
Three more babies and I'm not in the hospitol. SV is slacking!!! Or maybe they don't care about their babies?
Moriarty Wrote:The mere fact you have to reply with insults shows how much of a small minded, low IQ kind of guy your are. Hit first think later.
Your hoppers havent been as angelic as you'd like to think, theyve dipped their toes in the murky world of a hosp war and paid the price for it.
Try conversing as an adult Tommi, you never know people might think better of you for it.
Moriarty. If you weren't stuck up your own ass, I wouldn't have to respond with insults. Instead, you find calling me a hypocrite fine to do, thus incuring my fevered response. If you want to call someone something, have the research done. Not part way, not half way, completely. Then, insult them. Me insulting you only took your one simpleton note to make it correct and justified.
And Cheetah always does that. She doesn't like what you say, you go to punk her, and she's already done blocked you because her ego is going to get tore up. The only reason why she blocks people is souly that.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Moriarty Wrote:The mere fact you have to reply with insults shows how much of a small minded, low IQ kind of guy your are. Hit first think later.
Your hoppers havent been as angelic as you'd like to think, theyve dipped their toes in the murky world of a hosp war and paid the price for it.
Try conversing as an adult Tommi, you never know people might think better of you for it.
Moriarty. If you weren't stuck up your own arse, I wouldn't have to respond with insults. Instead, you find calling me a hypocrite fine to do, thus incuring my fevered response. If you want to call someone something, have the research done. Not part way, not half way, completely. Then, insult them. Me insulting you only took your one simpleton note to make it correct and justified.
And Cheetah always does that. She doesn't like what you say, you go to punk her, and she's already done blocked you because her ego is going to get tore up. The only reason why she blocks people is souly that.
Just keep zerking me 3 times a day, thinking I'm some1else and I'll find you very cool!!
Thor. Same goes to you. Use your head. I wasn't even zerking you, for one. Trying to hospitalize you, actually..But it's strategy, as Punisher likes to put it.
Of course, idiots infatuated with the smell of their own inner thigh wouldn't think of such a thing.