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Its the best cop out, when you cant say anything back, its ok I understand.


Punisher Wrote:please stim again for me marlo

Ya see, the thing about this whole mess for me, is that money is not a problem.

I am not funneling cred's into over priced gym trains, or even cred refreshes at this point. I will stim out all day and all night. Thanks for the practice!
Moriarty Wrote:MrHyde does have a typing inability. He is also Northern Irish. We still love him despite his faults. Don't ever ask him to send you an item.

Lmao just cant get Northern Irish over in typing and been dyslexic does not help lol

See Andy I may have been the first but many even yourself have now joined my club :wink:
obviously if money wasnt an object you wouldnt have mentioned your line of you work you know much better...whos the first person that money actually is an issue for....give up....those that say "money isnt an object"
McGeiner. Shh your face.


Punisher Wrote:obviously if money wasnt an object you wouldnt have mentioned your line of you work you know much better...whos the first person that money actually is an issue for....give up....those that say "money isnt an object"

If you spent less on AL you and you misses would have more cash to spend on alcohol , whats it been now 3 weeks since you last got slaughtered?
biffbaffboff Wrote:
Punisher Wrote:obviously if money wasnt an object you wouldnt have mentioned your line of you work you know much better...whos the first person that money actually is an issue for....give up....those that say "money isnt an object"

If you spent less on AL you and you misses would have more cash to spend on alcohol , whats it been now 3 weeks since you last got slaughtered?

I'd say they've been smashed this whole week, Biff. They are still angry, though..McGeiner had to get the cheap stuff and got beat for it.. lol lol


Where is the cheap whine honey? We have none left,you drank the last of it 3 weeks ago.
Are you kidding? No maam.Go get some more.Cant spent all our cash on AL.

Fine I'll go pawn the kids toys,we will drink tonight if it kills me.In the meantime go hunt biff down.Yes maam.

KYS !!!

[Image: love_your_job.gif]


Punisher Wrote:obviously if money wasnt an object you wouldnt have mentioned your line of you work you know much better...whos the first person that money actually is an issue for....give up....those that say "money isnt an object"

Pun, you asked me to stim again and I gave you my reasons as to why I will gladly oblige.

And there are many more aspects you have to take into account when people say that money is no object. Firstly, what they are interested in, secondly, what they currently own or have. If you take everything into account, and properly qualify the person, you can see whether or not they are full of it...

Pun is acting adolescent!

Moriarty is fat!

Hyde is a crossdresser!

Cheetah only writes on forum when drunk!

Howl only dates 80 year old crossdressing men who smokes cigars and eats 2 pounts of viagra each day!

And the rest of the vills have ADD!

Let's keep this war going, I have a reason to stay active now!
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