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a different topic? you brought up the idea of there being too many gangs (from the ingame mails from the larger gang members you received), and as a consequence of that, the idea of losing gang slots came up. im trying to solve that problem some other way.
having 1-2 man gangs or gangs with only 1-2 active members is ridiculas, IMO.
ok.... we move on. but i thought this was on topic.
I love the idea of losing gang points as a consequence.
Well..I'd say impliment the respect factor to the new system..Except that the 'respect' would be 'gang points.'
You lose a war, the other gang gets you gang points, some of them anyway. You'd be required to have 100 or so, and you can never go below it or something.
very interested to see how this pans out. I'm definitely opposed to gang slot loss as well. but like the gang points loss part mentioned sorta for a solution. still kind of taking this all in.
well, one heck of a discussion here. one thing sticks out at me.
losing $2,000,000 slots that we pay for with real money would be a deal breaker for me. I am extremely against that idea.
Like Err said, if your respect gets too low you start losing gang functions. OC's, combat bonus, mass mails, vault access, etc, forcing you to get your respect up again so your gang can function normally.
okay rant time, might as well be heard, lol.
I think that a lot of these ideas are good. Whatever is implemented I will support and whatever is necessary to succeed with any changes made.
My idea:
Old gang wars, with old anti-bullying code with gang deletions. I want politics back in AL.
I think the old gang war code ruled, and feel that to keep the field fair and balanced we should have the anti-bullying code of old, to prevent mass gang deletions and to keep higher ups at bay. Yes, you can destroy a gang but you are entangled with hosp time of your own and jail time for overdoing it. Would add an element the old code did not have.
Back then, there were two gangs that were at each others throats, now we have many gangs that could rule with new changes. Many more higher level'statted players.
Only issue is super-gangs with too many slots. No matter what they are at a disadvantage. I feel one super-gang has won, hands down beat the game in gang combat as Pullo won pvp wars. It is time for something new and a little more on edge.
For those gangs that have I would say more than 10 slots, there should be a gang liquidation option, to where those who have been hardcore enough to build slots should not be punished but rewarded. 90-100% refund of gang slots. This cash would not be thiers to do as they wish but to deregulate themselves into 1-2 other gangs with that money. The cash woul dhave to go back into the game to prevent an economic breakdown of putting 10-20 million free cash into the market.
The anti-bully code would severely limit those level 30+ from beating down gangs that have 5-10 members with levels 10-30. Would give everyone an opportunity to have a fair fight.
I do also like the hitting at any condition, I just feel more fair competition and empowering those lower leveled players is the way to go.
Please help bring politics back in AL!
Thank you for reading.
As a side note: I think gang wars should be a team event, not who is the strongest in-game. It would take a team of dedicated players to remove a gang, not just one incredibly strong player.
Teamwork should be the key to survive in AL in the future.
I think one of the things that needs to be looked at in gang wars, particularly in losing scenarios which inhibit the loser, is risk vs reward. No matter what changes are made to the way combat takes place, if there is no significant reward (and i mean more than just a GCB) then the gang wars seem to be more or less "mindless violence".
The changes mentioned by zen at first, I think, were more than acceptable on the condition that we are fighting for something. (Remember the old district holding idea? something like that) Give me some ground to defend or give me an objective other than just beating the snot out of people for points. I will be the first to admit I was all about a return to gang deletion and slot deletion was more than acceptable as well, but after reading Err's post, I like his idea the best. Loss of functionality, however, for his idea to work, gangs need to become more fucntional. Other than the gang bank and GCB there arent alot of features to gangs that I would care to lose. Allow us to claim a district for a percentage of the crimes/npc purchases that take place there, or something to that effect.
I also like what ush said and I couldn't put it better myself, teamwork should be they key to winning gang wars. Yes, numbers should tip the scales, and so should level, however with two relatively even matched gangs the one with the best tactics, strategy and teamwork should be the clear victor.
I Feel we moved to far away from PvP fights and gang wars and it does need to move back the other way a bit.
Love alot of the stuff been throwing around but I have to say im not a fan of lossing gang slots in the long run it could end up costing you more than just having your gang wiped out. For eg you have a 20+ gang as everyone knows we are not all in the same time zones so there is times when people are sleeping and some are awake. Say a small very high level gang took a real dislike to the 20+ gang they could war them all night when the 20+ gang is at its weakest, lets say the 20+ gang is in 5 wars with them and losses them all, thats 5 slots that need to be replaced or them 5 members are homeless and lets say that happenes every night for X numbers of days or even weeks. Its going to really add up.
Reading Errs post about gangs lossing functions sounds good but as someone said, would be even better if gangs had more functions to loss. It was me who talked about the gang strikes because as I said gangs in real life do not all line up and fight one at a time and they sure as hell dont throw theyselfs at a stronger person one at a time to try and weaken him, they all pill in at once and jump all over there heads.
Think rafal said something about a really strong player attacking weaker players that would be good like in a gang war if you attack someone say 15 levels under you you get 0 respect, 20 levels under you get -1 respect, 25 levels under you -2 respect and so on, plus also a high change of the cops catching you and getting a long jail term.
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