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Fractaleyes Wrote:wow.
you cant make the games mechanics favor the inexperienced and let the same game get stale for long term players.
While you put it a little brashly above, you shouldn't be posed wit the ultimatum of play rough or play elsewhere, but there has to be a middle ground.
and I put it brashly as I was referring to someone else's previous post.
Fractaleyes Wrote:wow.
While I agree that there should be a way for new players to grow and flourish in the game, maybe a warring level restraint (Can't participate in wars until level 7), you cant make the games mechanics favor the inexperienced and let the same game get stale for long term players.
That's why I stated my theory of having the wars be available for only level groups within 4 levels of your currently gang level average. All of the little guys could attack each other all they want, since there's a bunch of them, and not worry about the big guys attacking them, while the big guys can do the same thing; fight with people more their level.
Remnants of the Storm = 9.3 Level Average.
They could attack anyone from level averages of 5.3 all the way up to 13.3.
Basically half of AL gangs are in this.
BCS Soldiers = 27.0 Level Average.
They could attack anyone from level averages of 23.0 all the way up to 31.0(Maybe 35, so the Kumquats can get some action, too. ;D).
This spans for about 7-10 gangs, if my thinking is correct.
This way, everyone can have fun with their own limitations while not upsetting anyone else.
What about limiting the amount of respect that you could take from any one gang in set period of time. Zen and Err could set it at for example of 20%. Once that number is hit you cant hit that gang again for a certain period of time.
This way battles cant last for days and players wont spend hrs on end in the hospital.
That said what about lowering the costs of stims. I was thinking a rolling stim price based on level but that probably has too many options for players to cheat and have a lower level get them stims.
The final version of the old gang combat code made strong players attacking weak players worthless. A level 30 hitting a level 15 would gain absolutely 0 respect since what good was it to just slap down someone weaker. So there was protection for the weak because it wasn't worth the stronger gang's energy to battle them.
The main drawback though was a smaller gang had an advantage over a large gang if everyone was the same strength. Reason being the smaller gang had more targets to leach respect from.
In the end the old code was removed because of gang deletion and the small-gang advantage. Nobody liked seeing that their gang of 15 was deleted by a gang of 3 while they slept.
With no gang or slot deletion under consideration anymore that part is not a factor. So let's put that part to rest.
The smaller gang advantage however is a factor. A large gang can obliterate a hideout to end a war to counter this, but doesn't seem to be the perfect solution. The only solution with the old code was for the large gang to declare war on multiple weaker gangs to farm respect while they were getting worked over by the small gang. I guess number of targets is the most important aspect here, since the more targets a gang has the more susceptible they are to this tactic.
Requiring battles to be between gangs with close to the same amount of member slots filled could be an option, but this in turn could make the same gangs declare on each other all the time. If gangs are required to have the same amount of players and attacking weaker players is worthless in terms of points gained, these battles probably will become rare after the initial novelty wears off.
I volunteer to let everyone slap me around and take all of my respect. I'll be the Rodney Dangerfield of AL.
in all seriousnness though, I'm not even sure at this point what's potentially in & what's definitely out. could I get a breakdown before I have a breakdown?
i just had a brilliant idea concerning hospitol stays (especially helpful for the lower level people).
this could be implemented immediately.
how about.... if you are in a war (or battle), and you get hospitolized during this war time period..... you are automatically out of the hospitol after the war/battle is over (no stims required). you can choose to stim out during the war time period and be subject to multiple beat downs.
just a thought off the top of my head while in the Pen for 700 minutes. i got this idea after reading the the newb from the X Pats post about why he would quit.
yays, nehs?
Quote: i got this idea after reading the the newb from the X Pats post about why he would quit.
I think they're just feasible reasons that newer players could get extremely discouraged. Again there is a SERIOUS learning curve in getting started with this game, and having people out of commission for long periods of time will not really benefit anyone in the gameplay experience, or encourage peoples' interest in the game.
I'm not against getting pwned - it's gotta happen, and it's fun to pwn as well

While the stimming out idea might have some merit Conrad Im sure a savvy veteran such as yourself would realize that a "hospitalization" wouldnt net the other player any respect pts
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