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zenith Wrote:1.) All gang battle participants can be attacked at any health condition. Did that level 24 just get out of the hospital at 10% health? Might be a good time for a lower level to strike for 5 respect!
I cannot possibly express in words what a welcome addition this will be. Had this one thing been changed during old wars, I think they'd still be going on today.
zenith Wrote:4.) All gangs have 100 respect initially. When 0 or less is reached, the war is over and the loser will lose 1 gang member slot. There will be no permanent deletions, but any gang dropped to below 5 member slots gets no bonuses.
5.) Respect can be purchased with gang points at a 10 to 1 ratio at any time. You cannot purchase respect if over 100 respect however.
Love it! Definitely allows you to protect your gang slots without "overpowering" gangs who already have large amounts of gang points saved up.
All in all, I think its a great system. Nice work Zen.
Now lets get these tested and implemented so we can get back to skill systems!! hehehe.
My nr 1 complaint was that the biggest gang could in effect destroy everyone, and my nr 1 complaint now is that wars have no repercussions. In the old system when you declared on someone it meant something, and that's what I have been missing for the last period.
My viewpoint on this idea is that it's good. But I think that larger gangs are at a disadvantage, unless you make it so that gangs cannot declare on another gang unless they are at least 60% of their size. For example a gang of 5 cannot declare on a 10 member slot gang unless they buy another slot to get the 6th member. This will simply make it harder for a powerhouse gang of 6 very hard to beat people to have it easy with a gang of 20 not so hard to beat people. The power house gang would have to add 6 more slots to be able to fight the 20 member gang, and maybe even have to add weaker people, giving the 20 slot member gang a chance to fight back.
Whereas the 20 slot gang can declare on any gang, no matter the size of it.
I don't think gang deletion is necessary, to be quite frank, the more gangs it is the more we can see that the game is growing.
And I do love the chance to hit someone on 1% life to get respect. Means that a single person can attack a stronger person, stim out, attack again and so on. It is a feature that allows people to take down much stronger people, if you just have dedicated friends.
However a gang attack feature like Rafal was talking about, or along those lines, where gang members can pitch in 20% of their battlestats to your next fight would be nice.
I prefer as little protection as possible. If a more powerful gang can be taken down by a number of smaller gangs, it tips the scales and makes things much more 'political'. Theres no need for having a gang that can just do as they please, because as we've seen time and time again, they eventually WILL do whatever they please... Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.
How about PvP, and PvH together? The damage dealt, from PvP, during a war, is added up to PvH damage, at the end of a war. The gang that has dealt the most damage wins.
TheGeek Wrote:If a more powerful gang can be taken down by a number of smaller gangs, it tips the scales and makes things much more 'political'. Theres no need for having a gang that can just do as they please, because as we've seen time and time again, they eventually WILL do whatever they please... Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.
i dont think i could get a level 25 to fair condition and neither 10 players that are level 15 could take down one guy who is levl 25+..only if there was a group attack(it has been suggested in another thread) that would have a huge win percentage
depends on who the lvl25 is, a lot of lightweights out there, all lvl no stats.
Under the old system, if you attack someone and lost ,then you lost respect. Id like to see this removed (or not reimplemented). Would discourage coordination from smaller gang members to hit a higher lvl. no point gaining 5 points if you have to lose 6 to do it.
andyscho Wrote:depends on who the lvl25 is, a lot of lightweights out there, all lvl no stats.
i'll start looking for them 8)
and i agree with the rest of your comment too
all for it zen,sounds like you put alot of thought into it,if you feel it will help give both sides what they want ,i with you all the way :wink:
I think that players for attacks much weaker players shoudnt get any respect at all.
I give example if i start hospitalize 10 level players will people start to respect me or my gang ?
I dont thonk so.
I think players would rather start to despise me so i dont see any reason why pllayers should get any respect for attacking much weaker players
TheGeek Wrote:I prefer as little protection as possible. If a more powerful gang can be taken down by a number of smaller gangs, it tips the scales and makes things much more 'political'. Theres no need for having a gang that can just do as they please, because as we've seen time and time again, they eventually WILL do whatever they please... Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.
Maybe a banding feature in gangs to get over that 60% limit
Rafallol Wrote:I think that players for attacks much weaker players shoudnt get any respect at all.
I give example if i start hospitalize 10 level players will people start to respect me or my gang ?
I dont thonk so.
I think players would rather start to despise me so i dont see any reason why pllayers should get any respect for attacking much weaker players
I think we should try it the way its been put out and see if it works that way

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