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zenith Wrote:In the end the old code was removed because of gang deletion and the small-gang advantage. Nobody liked seeing that their gang of 15 was deleted by a gang of 3 while they slept.

possible solution for this would be a gang has to have 50% of their players online before it can be declared on. removes the small gang advantage a gang of 3 would be taking on a gang of 8, might deter them somewhat
andyscho Wrote:
zenith Wrote:In the end the old code was removed because of gang deletion and the small-gang advantage. Nobody liked seeing that their gang of 15 was deleted by a gang of 3 while they slept.

possible solution for this would be a gang has to have 50% of their players online before it can be declared on. removes the small gang advantage a gang of 3 would be taking on a gang of 8, might deter them somewhat
as i said many times before the best solution would be let several weaker players attack stronger one together.
I posted one of my ideas here :
Zenith could you read it and coment it ?
An i all for gang get disband when it reach 0 respect no risk no fun


Rafallol Wrote:An i all for gang get disband when it reach 0 respect no risk no fun

that's nice and all, but when we were told we wouldn't lose our gang in any form at the big war code change, we invested a lot more real money in it than we ever would have if there was the possibility of that REAL money disappearing.

call it a donation, call it payment to the game, either way it's a lot of real money.
mudpies Wrote:
Rafallol Wrote:An i all for gang get disband when it reach 0 respect no risk no fun

that's nice and all, but when we were told we wouldn't lose our gang in any form at the big war code change, we invested a lot more real money in it than we ever would have if there was the possibility of that REAL money disappearing.

That is the issue and as she has stated the point is moot now....Yes we need a risk, if gang points really mean something tangible, then you will fight to keep them.


I haven't read the other pages admittedly so I don't know if this has come up. But what about careers? Has advancing in them suddenly become useless (until you reach the long-term point where the points finally start gaining past the original costs to advance). Is that lvl 3 engineering with wartime hideout repair really worth my 4000 accuracy points anymore?

I'm just looking solely at the relevance of special abilities for some careers. Will this not negatively affect many of them?


iceman2020 Wrote:I haven't read the other pages admittedly so I don't know if this has come up. But what about careers? Has advancing in them suddenly become useless (until you reach the long-term point where the points finally start gaining past the original costs to advance). Is that lvl 3 engineering with wartime hideout repair really worth my 4000 accuracy points anymore?

I'm just looking solely at the relevance of special abilities for some careers. Will this not negatively affect many of them?

I think it just makes some of the special abilities more valuable. Those that improve attacks and resistance, for example. The wartime hideout repair will still be valuable. For example: You are in a battle. the other gang declares war on your hideout so that they can get out of the battle. You repair your treefort, thus buying more time to steal respect.


indeed though I was looking at it from a purely defensive standpoint. Take a gang like mine for example. Fairly new players and a new gang without the huge funds...or really any. So the plan was to get some level 3 engineers; we knew we probably couldn't beat most gangs, but we were gonna make them waste as many AP as possible to beat us.

This appears to make it such that not only has that defensive tactic been eliminated, but it discourages the creation of new gangs by relatively new players. I do agree it does make some careers better; perhaps it is just a shift is which careers are now best.


The engineer also has a hideout attack special ability, which is helpful in bringing down a hideout.
PhisheVA Wrote:While the stimming out idea might have some merit Conrad Im sure a savvy veteran such as yourself would realize that a "hospitalization" wouldnt net the other player any respect pts

yes, i realize this. but, being a savvy vet, i know that Hospitolizations will occur. especially when a high level savvy vet, knows that the mid level players his gang is in battle with, can beat all his mid level gang members.

therefore, the high level member may hospitolize his opponents mid level members, to keep them from gaining Respect off of his own mid-level gang members. all the while, the rest of his gang is farming Respect from the opponents they CAN beat.


Idk if some one brought this up...But what if the act of declaring war was the gamble? If you don't declare you don't loose any thing, but if you do and you loose then you loose respect. Kinda like the school yard bully, if he kicks your but, you are just another victom, but if you kick his....well then arn't you just the popular one,and the bully gets laughed at.
Most of all I think that gangs should be more vital to players. I know of a few who ask me what is the points of joining a gang? what Do I get from it? Short of paying them off with OC money there isn't much. (I'll stop here before I hijack too much)
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