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Man, we spent 6 hours trying to come up with stuff and couldn't get anything this good, what the heck?

Anyways, here are my thoughts.

First, I really like the idea of bringing back combat based gang wars. I think it creates more action and excitement in the game and gets people more involved. I do agree with some of the posters on here that losing a slot may be too much. I think a better "punishment" for losing may be limiting what a gang can do based on how much respect they have. Something like this

100+ respect - all gang functions are available
80-99 respect - lose some functions
50-79 respect - lose even more functions
1-49 respect - lose even more functions
0 or less respect - lose all functions

This does 3 things. 1, it makes losing your respect hurt as your gang is now useless until you get your respect back up. 2, it puts a premium on gang points, because no one wants to get knocked down to 0 points and not be able to gain more respect. And 3, it makes wars hurt but doesn't take anything away permanently. Sure, your gang may suck until you get more respect, but if you have points you can do that fairly quickly.

Another thing that would be cool, and might not be too difficult to implement, would be a gang strike feature (someone posted something similar to this in another forum). When in a gang battle, you could get a 4th option on the attack screen called "Gang Strike." Basically, for every gang member that is in the same district as you, and has enough energy for an attack, helps you. So let's say Zenith is unbeatable, and she wars my gang. I can usually knock her down 3/4 of the way in a normal fight. So myself and 2 other of my gang mates go to the district she is in and I attack her with a gang strike. Assuming they both have enough energy for an attack, I get bonuses from both of them in the attack. We all lose energy like normal, but now I probably beat Zenith. This would make it so the gang with the best player isn't unstoppable yet is fair enough that the gang strike wouldn't just make it a crap shoot. You would have to coordinate it well.

All in all though I like this idea and I think the game really needs these types of wars back.


alinutza Wrote:5)An option to hide a less powerfull member of the gang from the enemies Biggrin

I like this idea. A gang, when in a gang battle, could spend gang points to "protect" up to 3 players. The protection could last for say 30 minutes, or maybe you could spend points per minute up to 60 minutes. Something like 5 points per minute of protection. Once the protection wears off he is fair game again. Of course, the player being protected cannot attack anyone or help in a gang war against the hideout. If they do, their protection ends.
I'm still wondering about gains of the gang war. I'm not seeing much on it.


gtoofs Wrote:Also, this old war concept was geared towards spending. The one equalizer was not being able to be attacked in anything less than fair condition. If you remove that, and you exit the hospital in serious or critical, now you will have no protection for will be forced to eat nimbus before you exit the hospital, thus costing more money. Don't forget the many energy refreshes that will be necessary to fight off an attacker.

This works both ways though. If you hit a gang's strong member, and he gets out in fair condition, he is more vulnerable to another hit.


I love the gang strike idea. I feel that's the most needed thing if this system comes into play.


nbsvtvt Wrote:I worry most about getting attacked while our whole gang is offline and losing most if not all our respect. In my opinion, at least one gang member should be online to declare a battle.

This was never really a problem before. Wars, or gang battles as we are calling them now, always lasted long enough that members would get online. Unless your entire gang is routinely offline for hours and hours at a time, you'll be fine.

nbsvtvt Wrote:Also, lets say a gang ends a battle by beating down the opponents hideout. What would stop the gang from simply declaring a battle again? Perhaps your hideout needs to be at 50% to declare a battle.

I don't think this is a problem. If gang A attacks gang B, and gang B uses a hideout war to end the battle, then gang A can turn right around and declare a battle on B again. The problem for A is their hideout is hurting now, and chances are B will just knock it down again, get more gang points, and end the battle. If A wants to do this 100 times in a row, what's the big deal? B will just rack up easy gang points.
Err Wrote:Once the protection wears off he is fair game again. Of course, the player being protected cannot attack anyone or help in a gang war against the hideout. If they do, their protection ends.

I agree with this. i give you the permission to code it then Biggrin lol..jk

TommiTheTaco Wrote:I'm still wondering about gains of the gang war. I'm not seeing much on it.

the gains of the gang wars would be gang points used to upgrade/maintain the gang functions that could be affected during a war.

If a gang have the control on the drug market, for example, and if their function of producing drugs, quality drugs assuming as long as they control the market(Zenith suggesting something with regard to this in another thread) is affected, they lose that monopol and then they will have to take it back.

If you don't want/like winning gang points, think at wars as a way of taking control over something that over gangs have, or slowing them down so your gang could obtain greater benefits, which we will see in the future, because the admins are still thinking at other ways of spending gang points



I think your idea of gang ability loss is perfect. It will entice players to participate for fear of losing the ability to Organized crime or declare, without major detriment to the monetary investments of gang members.


TommiTheTaco Wrote:I'm still wondering about gains of the gang war. I'm not seeing much on it.

Well, most people aren't going to care what the gains are, they just want to war, haha. But shouldn't the gain for winning a gang battle be gang points, just like it is now? I do think winning a gang battle should give more points than winning a gang war, as it takes more of a toll on the gang and is harder to achieve. And it should also be based off how difficult the battle was. If the best gang battles the worst gang, the best gang shouldn't get many points if they win. Kind of like xp in combat. If a level 40 hits a level 1, he'll win easily but the xp he gets, if any, will be useless.
Gang points is what we can get now to upgrade our stuff. Shouldn't there be more than just gang points involved for so much work having to be done? Or, at least, more of them than there are now?
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