2008.Feb.05, 01:17 PM
2008.Feb.05, 01:21 PM
TommiTheTaco Wrote:I'm still wondering about gains of the gang war. I'm not seeing much on it.
I wouldn't need any gains.
2008.Feb.05, 01:24 PM
You wouldn't, but your gang would. >>;;
2008.Feb.05, 02:07 PM
I also am against loosing slots and free hits righ out of the hospital in a war. I aslo see the larger gangs with most of the advantage, as well as the higher level players.
Loss of individual respect for atacking lower level. The greater the diference, the greater the loss. And if the individual is hit before they have 50% of their health back, the loss is greater. This works the other way too. The low level that has the stats and gear manages to take down a much higher level get greater exp, but not as much if it's right out of the hospital.
There should be a cap on how much respect a gang can loose in a day. because of this, a gang that wishs to atack after the point will be notified of this, and gain nothing.
The ratio of members online and off line on both side should be a factor. A 10 member gang with 9 players on attacking a 5 member gang with 2 players on should not get the respect or whatever.
A level difference can be factored in as well or as on it's own so the gang with an average of 20 levels going after one with 10 gets less even just going after the hideout. The higher levels have over all beter quipmet, more points to spend, and higher stats. This makes the level difference more significant.
These are ideas I hope can be used to better gear combat both in and out of gang wars.
Loss of individual respect for atacking lower level. The greater the diference, the greater the loss. And if the individual is hit before they have 50% of their health back, the loss is greater. This works the other way too. The low level that has the stats and gear manages to take down a much higher level get greater exp, but not as much if it's right out of the hospital.
There should be a cap on how much respect a gang can loose in a day. because of this, a gang that wishs to atack after the point will be notified of this, and gain nothing.
The ratio of members online and off line on both side should be a factor. A 10 member gang with 9 players on attacking a 5 member gang with 2 players on should not get the respect or whatever.
A level difference can be factored in as well or as on it's own so the gang with an average of 20 levels going after one with 10 gets less even just going after the hideout. The higher levels have over all beter quipmet, more points to spend, and higher stats. This makes the level difference more significant.
These are ideas I hope can be used to better gear combat both in and out of gang wars.
2008.Feb.05, 02:19 PM
I am in shock. Err posted 5 times in one topic?????
It's going to be impossible to make everyone happy here. Taking the bite out of this will probably neuter the whole idea and no one will be happy.
The older players who were around for the old system might remember some of these nuggets...
1.) Gang Respect was worthless unless you had zero, because then you had no gang.
2.) You could spend $5,000,000 on a large gang and overnight have it deleted in one battle (by one guy even).
3.) If you were fighting someone slightly stronger than all your gang mates you would be in the hospital for a LONG time.
4.) In the long run, whatever gang the strongest player was in was the strongest gang. This made the three-man gang with 1 high level more powerful than a 20-man gang with just a few levels less.
How about this idea. Instead of immediately losing your gang slot, you now have X amount of hours to get gang points to preserve it. If you have the gang points already available then no worries. If not then you will have to get them in wars. So now you can't lose an expensive slot overnight without even knowing it. You now have the ability to preserve your investment, but if you don't act you will lose it.
So basically there is still bite and consequences, but you have the ability to counter it on your own instead of immediately losing something while sleeping.
And to boot, the loser will lose all their gang bonuses for a few hours.
It's going to be impossible to make everyone happy here. Taking the bite out of this will probably neuter the whole idea and no one will be happy.
The older players who were around for the old system might remember some of these nuggets...
1.) Gang Respect was worthless unless you had zero, because then you had no gang.
2.) You could spend $5,000,000 on a large gang and overnight have it deleted in one battle (by one guy even).
3.) If you were fighting someone slightly stronger than all your gang mates you would be in the hospital for a LONG time.
4.) In the long run, whatever gang the strongest player was in was the strongest gang. This made the three-man gang with 1 high level more powerful than a 20-man gang with just a few levels less.
How about this idea. Instead of immediately losing your gang slot, you now have X amount of hours to get gang points to preserve it. If you have the gang points already available then no worries. If not then you will have to get them in wars. So now you can't lose an expensive slot overnight without even knowing it. You now have the ability to preserve your investment, but if you don't act you will lose it.
So basically there is still bite and consequences, but you have the ability to counter it on your own instead of immediately losing something while sleeping.
And to boot, the loser will lose all their gang bonuses for a few hours.
2008.Feb.05, 02:24 PM
Wasn't there something by someone saying that you can't war without having some reputation?
2008.Feb.05, 02:25 PM
suspreena Wrote:I aslo see the larger gangs with most of the advantage, as well as the higher level players.
I hate to say it, but that's what it should be. Large gangs should have an advantage, they paid for it. High level players should have an advantage, they earned it.
But if a high level attacks a low level, they earn no respect and thus would make the battle worthless to even start.
2008.Feb.05, 02:39 PM
"How about this idea. Instead of immediately losing your gang slot, you now have X amount of hours to get gang points to preserve it"
Zen.. with all due respect... why the hang up on losing a gang slot? the great majority seems to be against it. so.. i have to lose a gang slot.. which means i have to pick which member of my gang to kick out. particuarly after helping them along the whole time...giving guns/armour/money, etc. now.. all of a sudden, i have to kick a member out/lose a slot?
thats a bad idea. can we eliminate that concept and move forward?
Zen.. with all due respect... why the hang up on losing a gang slot? the great majority seems to be against it. so.. i have to lose a gang slot.. which means i have to pick which member of my gang to kick out. particuarly after helping them along the whole time...giving guns/armour/money, etc. now.. all of a sudden, i have to kick a member out/lose a slot?
thats a bad idea. can we eliminate that concept and move forward?
2008.Feb.05, 03:26 PM
Conrad1103 Wrote:the great majority seems to be against it.
In this topic it seems split. The mail I receive in-game tells me that gang wars are pillow-fights with no use. Only a small portion of the game voice their opinion, so I'd have to say I don't know what the majority seems to be for.
But to be honest many people complain that gang wars are too impersonal and have no consequences. Perhaps there needs to be an option for warring gang and peaceful gang. Although I find it odd a combat game would have a lot of players who don't want to fight, I understand there are people like that.
2008.Feb.05, 03:36 PM
I don't care which one..I like attacking people, and I like destroying gang bases. Really, the only problems I have with the old was system coming back is the loss of a gang slot(Which everyone who has stated their opinion on the matter said that losing a gang slot would suck donkeys) and the small amount of gain to keep a gang up to par with the amount needed for maximum benefit.
The new war system gets real personal, depending on some of the people you war. If you attack their gang, some of them will atack you to win. If you attack their gang and win, they'll attack you because they're sore ass losers.
The old war system was all about destroying people, leaving it to where people didn't get time to play the game and no time to train because you're using all of your energy on people.
They both, if you look outside the box, have their own personal touches to the other people in the gang. Just recently, people complained to me that some people constantly attack their gang base, and that they have attacked their gang only to get retaliation that didn't want.
Really, the over-view of this. I don't care. I like both of them, but the losses/gains are a bit skewed and need to be worked on before either one is hardcore implemented.
The new war system gets real personal, depending on some of the people you war. If you attack their gang, some of them will atack you to win. If you attack their gang and win, they'll attack you because they're sore ass losers.
The old war system was all about destroying people, leaving it to where people didn't get time to play the game and no time to train because you're using all of your energy on people.
They both, if you look outside the box, have their own personal touches to the other people in the gang. Just recently, people complained to me that some people constantly attack their gang base, and that they have attacked their gang only to get retaliation that didn't want.
Really, the over-view of this. I don't care. I like both of them, but the losses/gains are a bit skewed and need to be worked on before either one is hardcore implemented.