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Barely read this post, not sure if it was said in it but I personally do not like the idea of losing slots when gangs who do not war much or at all want to have a nice cohesive group to play together. As long as the slots stay the same I really couldn't care less what the other options are.

Why not have the two gang type option. Either join the hardcore respect class or the regular non-hardcore class.


read the thread scorp, it's already addressed.

I disagree with poptart. I think small gangs have a great advantage in this style of war. there are less members for the supergang to hit, so it takes forever to bring their respect down. when they get out of the hosp they can get off a few hits before they get hit again since the supergang has so many targets.

I think for mid level players these smaller gangs will thrive.

I do agree that gangs with 1 member for a long period of time should be dealt with. or a gang with 1 barely active player and 4 inactives.


new gang features today. =] One step closer to gang functionality really being something to fight for.
Ushanewnewba Wrote:As a side note: I think gang wars should be a team event, not who is the strongest in-game. It would take a team of dedicated players to remove a gang, not just one incredibly strong player.

Teamwork should be the key to survive in AL in the future.
I totally agree with that.
nec Hercules contra plures Biggrin
i like the safety of being in crit, or serious conditon, with no worry of being attacked. at least members in this situation were able to contribute by attacking hideouts a couple times. if people can be attacked in crit and serious condition, the player may as well log out for hours at a time until the war/battle is over.

it would be nice to see stim/nimbus prices lowered a bit when the new war code comes out.

im sure i sound like a broken record, but lets make a minimum active player requirement on gangs. this will eliminate these 1,2, active member gangs. there should always be at least 3 active members in a gang, and at least twice as many active members, as inactives. hows that sound?


so long as the below fair condition fights only apply to gang wars, i dont see a problem.
I am glad to hear the gang spot deletion is now moot.
I am still unclear if you will be hittable in critical condition. If so, I dont particularly like that feature.
I think it could be beneficial if we had a 48 hour period testing once things are decided to all test the systems out so we dont get caught helpless. Once the 48 hours are up and everyone has an idea everything resets and we go live and start playing for keeps.

Love the thought of pvp coming back though, I may have to go back to the Wranglers now.
ok... come on.
Since I got to the party late and it appears to be moot, I'll just voice my opinion that deletion of slots should not happen. This is a lot to wrap my head around. I need to read everything before I go spouting off


Quick easy idea for making gang wars with the old system more interesting, and team oriented, as well as strategic.

When attacked during a gang war, there 30% chance that any online gang member in the same district as the defender will come to the defender's aid.


A gang war begins, Gang A declares on Gang B.

Gang A:

1 x level 15 (online)
5x level 10s (2 online)

Gang B:

1x level 14 (offline)
3x level 10s (3 online)

Gang A's level 15 attacks one of gang B's level 10's in the downtown district. The 2 other online gang members of gang B are in the industrial district at the time, so the 15 has no difficulty in killing the 10.

The 2 other Gang B level 10's head over to the downtown district as their friend get's out of the hospital.

The level 15 from Gang A attacks the recently released level 10, and is in for a nasty surprise when he finds himself attacking 2 gang members at the same time (only one of the two gang members passively succeeded at the 30% roll). Due to the 15's superior stats, he isn't defeated, but he is unsuccessful in his attempt to defeat the level 10 defender, since his attacks were distributed amongst the two defenders.

Even if a level 25 attacked the 3 10's of gang B, there would be a chance of failure, since there is a limit to the number of rounds in a single attack.
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