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Full Version: New Attack Code Live for TESTING
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so will they get events from the test at a later date or no?
They'll only get events when the code actually puts them in the hospital Smile
(2010.Jan.13 06:22 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]They will, but since it's a test they were turned off.

I could see who attacked me earlier
alright. just making sure.
Can we keep this on forever?
rather nice for testing to see if you can take someone for GP's in a gang war..
it's got a gang battle option? huh didn't notice
(2010.Jan.13 06:51 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]it's got a gang battle option? huh didn't notice

No, but if you can win in a leave, and you know your gang combat rating is decent, you know you can still beat them
ah. doesn't help with points though. those still need some tweaking. also can we zerk with the new code? i keep gym training when i mean to check that


I have a few questions for Zen.

When this comes into play, and I want to hit a person in another gang, and it means I'm gonna probly end up hitting more than one of them, can I choose who in my gang (I know everyone has to be in the same district) that I want attacking with me. No offense, but we, as other gangs, have a wide range of levels.

What about an option like with the delete mail (you click which ones you want to delete with a check) want to do a multi attack, say you have the option with lil boxes to check on who you want to attack with you. Then say, you have 1 min, 5 mins, whatever, and they accept or decline....No point in a level 60 having 4 level 20's or so gang up to attack several people in a difft gang (say Marlo, Weebs, Raf), or (Ush and Nightrain), and whatever gang Tort is in now.... I get that you don't know who is gonna end up in the fight on the other end, unless you're smart enough to see who all is in what district, and take your chances. But what if your whole gang is in the same distrrict? Do they all, if they have the hp and energy, automatically become involved in the fight, or is it random? (And do they qualify if they are just in fair, meaning they CAN attack, but probly shouldn't...) I think the idea would work best and serve its best purpose if you could chose who in your gang you want to fight with you (yes, MSN, gang mails, etc, can coordinate it enough as well--but so would having a click box option, of--do you accept to fight with this person against such person (and whoever) in this gang, especially since Zen said attackers would have to be online. Also gives you time to make sure you have your belt, and stims and nimbus on hand in case. I don't like the idea of being blind-sided, by being included in a fight I wasn't ready for, just bc I happened to be in the same district....

The idea is good, but I think you should be able to choose who you want to fight with you (even if you can't choose who you fight against combined), and also have the option to choose not to be involved in that fight if asked.

Also, just my opinion, I don't think it should cost gang points. You're already having everyone use their energy, and as you said if you lose the penalty is high. Isn't that enough risk? Why make us spend gang points for a battle, if everyone has to use their energy, and the risk of being in the hosp just the same? It's a calculated risk, requiring doing the homework of who in the opposite gang is in the same district, and it's probly still gonna be 50/50 on wins and losses, so why are gang points necessary if the outcome of hosp time (which is said to be higher), is still there?
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