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I got that as well

haha hosp code is hosed

You pound Weebay to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.
Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 252
nothing wrong with the new code, you dont get whined at for onlining someone

You pound FirstBlood to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.

Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 207
(2010.Jan.13 05:11 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Attack Dudley burnsides and I get this response

Jack Mort is in the hospital, combat can not continue.

I attacked Xavier Halcon and got the same message. (even about Jack Mort being in the hospital).
(2010.Jan.13 04:15 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]HOSPING MAKES ME NEAR INVINCIBLE heheh

Interesting. I tried hosping two people who both beat me, one who slaughters me, one who takes less than half damage when they attack me.

The one who slaughters me continues to do so, even with a hosp.

The one who, just this morning with the new code, beat me 4 out of 4, each time taking less than half damage (usually less than 1/4 I thnk), I hosped. I took 4 points of damage from them.

I'd say the hosp code is off a bit too Smile Maybe it's more like a zerk.
good to see some updates. thanks!

this will take some time to digest.

a few things about the new logger - i dont see where it shows my last action. would need this to verify online hits, like the current logger.

also, some of the the stats for my opponent seem redundant. mostly because those stats are mine, that are reflected on my stats just above his stats. its the same numbers essentially.
You honorably defeat all combatants. You walk away and let your defeated opponents sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 1017
Hospitalization Time : 53

Attacked Horvath and Mats Fullar joined in! awesome exp!!
odd phrasing with some of this

InPaceRequiscat killed Agathosii.

on a leave. obviously i didn't kill him, as he continues on alive in the hosp.

just nit picking
Just one thing tho... I notice the new logger now tells me If I Have bonuses be it ranged or melee but not the person I am attacking. I dont want to know what his bonus is but knowing that he/ she has one would be nice.
Can everyone move to DD for the testing, just to make life easier and let us spam test attacks for zen?


It doesn't include our belt if we equip it. Maybe this was explained though and I overlooked it.
This is fun.. massive hospitalized attack.. lol

FirstBlood Hosp Win 4 4 3,144 0 0 879
OpiateOfTheMasses Hosp Win 9 9 2,385 0 0 858
CaptainAmerica Hosp Win 26 20 4,444 197 426 579
CaptainAmerica Leave Win 17 13 3,520 1,393 646 686
DamageInc Hosp Win 4 4 1,784 409 387 753
DamageInc Hosp Win 10 9 2,103 256 405 298
Hannibal Leave Win 13 9 3,363 1,299 466 678
Hannibal Leave Loss 20 12 3,407 2,705 1,357 913
Hannibal Leave Win 25 12 3,518 2,264 1,445 843
Sherlock Hosp Win 12 9 3,172 0 0 784
BangNapi Hosp Win 11 10 2,924 1 14 887
TheCatalinaWineMixer Hosp Win 14 11 3,052 215 558 756
nughuffer Hosp Win 11 10 3,106 83 348 846
FeedTheAnimals Hosp Win 6 5 2,450 179 127 952
Chance Hosp Win 13 13 3,932 84 280 870
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