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(2009.Apr.02 02:07 PM)infinite93 Wrote: [ -> ]If people don't like the price that was paid, or feel that they deserve a portion of the proceeds BigRod was paid... They can claim scam or try to complain to Rod about it.

Fine, next time a big player retires, he'll sell everything he has for 1$. See if that goes against the spirit of the game.

Work for your hideout. Put time, money and effort into it. That proportion should be the same for everyone. My 20$ donation goes as far as any other 20$ out there.

A retired player selling something worth 30 million for 5 million equates to a 25 million $ gift.
(2009.Apr.02 02:10 PM)lrrltt Wrote: [ -> ]LOL....We all just saw the biggest scam in AL history. Wow..i would have never of thought that an admin would use the backdoor to give someone something. It just makes wonder what else is going on.

That's kind of funny..You know Slim paid money for the gang..It was verified by BigRod..And you still consider it robbery.

You don't pay for gifts. This is a legitimate transaction where BigRod thought it would need to wait to be given for when the person is truly ready to handle the responsibility.

People need to calm down..
(2009.Apr.02 02:10 PM)drec92 Wrote: [ -> ]wheres the evidence ::you dont buy and get later::

I haven't seen the evidence and personally don't care... If Zen/Err feel they have seen enough, I trust them.

On the second point, spend any time in the business world and you will see that pay now, receive goods/services later is just one of many contract payment arrangements. We deal with it all the time in the business I am in.
If I had 5 million dollars laying around, I certainly wouldnt purchase something in *hopes* that I get it months down the line. I'd at the very least, collect interest on it until the time came. Then when the time comes, Im not gonna say it was a gift and no money was exchanged only to turn around and say it WASNT a gift and that that I paid 5 million for it.

Something is rotten in Denmark.
Well from conversations I had with Bigrod he told me the gang would remain in retirement with him. I took it to mean that unless he came back the gang would stay inactive. imo thats where it should stay. I say no to carving that historical gang up and NO to slim getting it.
I had no idea that AL had a lay-away feature! This is awesome. I would like to put 5$ (AL bucks of course) toward the purchase of the Steyr Aug A5. Please let me know when I can expect to see the gun in my storage. I will then pay 5$ a week until it is paid off.

Can I also get some endurance on lay-away?

Does Rent-A-Center know about this? They may not like someone stealing their gig.
(2009.Apr.02 02:13 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]A retired player selling something worth 30 million for 5 million equates to a 25 million $ gift.

I would tend to agree if it was anything except a gang frame. Ask anyone. Gang frames are NEVER worth what is invested in them. Even for one of the best Frames. Even SV or Valhalla couldn't sell ours for what is invested. Look at all the people who have tried to sell 5-10 man gangs for more than a few hundred K in the marketplace. Spend 10 Mil on a gang and you will be lucky to get 2 or maybe even 3 out of it.
I tried to buy that treefort from BR when he was retiring. I offered him a lot of money and our current gang as a replacement. I think we had 23-24 spots at the time.

He flat out told me that he would never sell the gang and he was going to his AL grave with it.


he says it was a gift givin to him by some one leaving the game wouldnt that be like some one giving another player a whole lot of credits or weapons before leaving giving some one a gang and then leaving is the same thing in my oppinion to me its not right
I know I don't know all the facts on this honestly I don't know half of the things that have been mentioned but I don't think this is fair to the rest of AL. I think the gang should be retired and have a new section added to the POI for retired gangs list the gangs stats, member slots, past members, and any other important things about the gang.

Clearly the AL community doesn't approve since a lot of people are threatening to stop donating. So I see no reason to helps few people and upset everyone else.
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