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Share the trick if it's not helping u, it might help others

sry lips are sealed, i know some people that figured it out, i'm sure they'll be pissed if i leaked it out. good luck to those that did find out.
Here's the trick
take one bat and a ball
throw the ball at the ghoul
this will distract him
then bash out his brains
with the bat
works everytime

my theory = High RES +Good Armor +Good Belt +Gang Protection
JaySin Wrote:my theory = High RES +Good Armor +Good Belt +Gang Protection
Fighting naked is the key! :wink:
Hey Superdude wanna fight me im naked and just got out the shower
Nothing worse then getting your ass kicked by a naked wet man 8) :oops:

Gayest thing ever posted on AL forums
dekarr Wrote:Gayest thing ever posted on AL forums
Notice the sarcasm :oops: :roll:
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