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Thor Wrote:Redid all the maths based and Zeon's post

1.5 mils / month * 12 months = 18 000 000$
18 000 000 / 230 (average price for credits if bought in bulk) = 78 260 credits
take off 6000 credits for a year of donators days, leaves 72 260 credits
72 260 / 4 (conversion into endurance dev points) = 18 065
you need 2,205 + 2,420 + 2,645 + 2,880 + 3,125 = 13275 dev points

So I see that's more than enough, where's the problem?

p.s. I did it with 1.2 mils at first and came a few credits short, don't forget the referral program plus maybe you can help yourself with 1 or 2 20$ donations...

You are right on with the math. In addition to Thor's cost analysis, there regular spending, weapon, armor, stims, housing cost as well. Plus, not many players are lucky enough to start the end or int race with level 20. Some of them might be few level short. Overall, it's quite a large amount of money in AL currency.

Either way, that's beside the point. What I am saying is.. the 25 End/Int and the battle stats requirement could be more balance.

For those who have the lev 50 weapons, if they do not have those level 60 weapon battle stats already, they would get those stats within 2 months of time.

2 months to get the battles stats VS 10 to 12 months to get the level 25 end/int

That's a big gap.


what he said :roll:
Travel, stim, nimbus, skill test, trainers, school, gangs (if gangs demand donations), donation days, endurance and donation days. Everything sucks out some cash.
if you dont have those stats then you dont have those weapons. they are lvl 60 weapons not lvl 60 weapons that everyone can use. honestly it doesnt matter either way cuz if Zen lowers the stats then thats just more sales Raf will get so either way he benefits.
Trainers suck cash Smile
Ushanewnewba Wrote:Trainers suck cash Smile

for sure..

I am paying them around 600k a month. Those lucky bastard. haha..
Wait HS! you guys are making 1.5 mil on crimes a month? Wow!
i was going to say the same thing
September 2008 637 9 792 80.4 % $764,831 $965.70 8,367 2,560

that was my best month ever and at 80% on airport security!

that puts me at 2 years and not spending a dime on other than donor status.

but as I said... it is what it is!


September 2008 1,266 15 1,484 85.3 % $1,494,405 $1,007.01 11,766 4,134

Yup, of course I didn't war much last month but even when in a warring gang, I can still manage 1 million plus.
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