Im a bit of a Yes and a No guy on the skills for Weps thing
if there were skills involved in the equipping the wep then that would make the game just a little more competive (Spelling)
I can't think of a bad thing yet lol.
BigJoe Wrote:if skills were involved all the new armors would need 5 skils in armor handling..every one would go back to the b4c..i mean i thought we wanted to make sure right now there is a low level with close to 5 in armor handlind,,a little stats work and he has the top armor at level 15...kinda rediculous
He does have a point. If there is skill requirement for the new weapon, there will be skill requirement for the armor.
It kind of suck to have skill on the new armor. I wouldn't want to put 5 skill in armor handling before I would equip it.
What new armor are you all talking about?
The TiB2 is already in production, used by players and in circulation. There will be no change made there.
How about this idea..
For ever 2 ranks in a skill you have, the stat reqs for that weapon go down by 1.
So if you have a 6 shotty and you have a 22 endurance, you can use the new weapon.
So the stat requirement for the new weapon is 3?
3 of what?
Do you have to have 6 Shotty to equip, or will the standard stat req's be enough?
That actually sounds pretty sweet @ Zenith.
Marlo Wrote:What new armor are you all talking about?
The TiB2 is already in production, used by players and in circulation. There will be no change made there.
I was implying any new armor in the future.
I know I wouldn't have 5 armor handling for sure! :oops:
zenith Wrote:How about this idea..
For ever 2 ranks in a skill you have, the stat reqs for that weapon go down by 1.
So if you have a 6 shotty and you have a 22 endurance, you can use the new weapon.
No complaint... I actually like it!
that should apply for all weapons so say for every 2 ranks i have in Axe Skill the requirements for The Ionized Axe Go Down 1 Level on Strength..... wait im confused ill be back lol
I would. I'm sweet like that, though.
And she was talking about all requirements for axe-type weapons, if you have rank 2 in axes, would be reduced by 1..
zenith Wrote:How about this idea..
For ever 2 ranks in a skill you have, the stat reqs for that weapon go down by 1.
So if you have a 6 shotty and you have a 22 endurance, you can use the new weapon.
I like this idea