And there's either a multi or someone talking about me getting help with my jokes when he's gathering everyone else's jokes for his own use.
Worthless little tool. You belong in EADP so you can bask in the shine of defeat when they're crying uncle from their heads getting caved in one too many times.
(2010.Sep.02 01:15 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]That's right. Change your message so no one knows your Mom's really the Michelin Man.
You couldn't be more wrong Tubs: Shaman and I work at the same place and I had logged in to the forum and Shman hadn't realized before posting the same thing he went on to say straight after I fixed that post! I think the idea of your iminent defeat is making you paranoid Mr. Taco - or, should I say Mr. Burrito: 'cause you been rolled!!!
I don't take very kindly to being wrongly accused

That's a convenient excuse. 'We work at the same place together.'
You're a pack of multis, and it's making me laugh.
Do something about it, you little twat.
I'm going to bed. You're safe for a while, EADP. Better make good use of that time, because I'm going to be making plenty of holes to stick bad shat in when I come back online.
(2010.Sep.02 01:24 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]That's a convenient excuse. 'We work at the same place together.'
You're a pack of multis, and it's making me laugh.
Do something about it, you little twat.
I'm going to bed. You're safe for a while, EADP. Better make good use of that time, because I'm going to be making plenty of holes to stick bad shat in when I come back online.
tommi, i dont think they have a word in the english dictionary which could describe what an absolute tool you are.
I think works fine...........
(2010.Sep.02 12:48 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Sender : Scammer [26653] online
Date : 1 September 10 @ 10:57:14 pm
Subject : RE(4):I thought this would be fun
You know what would really put the wind up thier skirts? If I were to become a villian.
Funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Glenn can't even control his own gang members from wanting to jump ship and fight against him.
At least he knows the winning side of this war, unlike the dude who thinks you fug with your nuts and the disabled desk jobber using tax money to make his internet life so much more easy.
Eat a dic, Bender. You're weak, just like Glenn. You can't hosp Punisher straight up.
control my members? they are free to do what they like. fat guts.

(2010.Sep.02 01:24 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]That's a convenient excuse. 'We work at the same place together.'
You're a pack of multis, and it's making me laugh.
Do something about it, you little twat.
I'm going to bed. You're safe for a while, EADP. Better make good use of that time, because I'm going to be making plenty of holes to stick bad shat in when I come back online.
yeah you are safe offline. what with bc, dingus, bird and bender making you squeel like the fat hog you are..... fat guts.
........lmao one of the best threads ive read in a long while.
Props too Glenn
Also too Conrad for making the thread

(2010.Sep.02 01:22 AM)RoJo777 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.02 01:15 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]That's right. Change your message so no one knows your Mom's really the Michelin Man.
You couldn't be more wrong Tubs: Shaman and I work at the same place and I had logged in to the forum and Shman hadn't realized before posting the same thing he went on to say straight after I fixed that post! I think the idea of your iminent defeat is making you paranoid Mr. Taco - or, should I say Mr. Burrito: 'cause you been rolled!!!
I don't take very kindly to being wrongly accused
You and scatscamshitstainman are both mutlies. Been proven a number of times. You aussie shieias are all alike, fake ass losers.
Summary of this thread:
Fat Guts
Sheep Flucker
Fat Guts
Sheep Flucker
Fat Guts
Sheep Flucker
I have not seen such bad taste in insults since high school. I was hoping to see something witty from someone :/
(2010.Sep.02 05:24 AM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ]Summary of this thread:
Fat Guts
Sheep flagger
Fat Guts
Sheep flagger
Fat Guts
Sheep flagger
I have not seen such bad taste in insults since high school. I was hoping to see something witty from someone :/
bit of badluck for you eh?