Not wrong, or you'd be hopping out of the hospital to fight your war and get smashed some more.
Can't believe Bender's still scared.
As you know well, I'm not the only person in this war. You guys have made that abundantly clear with your bragging about keeping a bunch of offline guys down and thinking you're winning because you have more targets to hit on.
So...Stim out, EADP. Come to Midlan, Bender. It's time to play.
(2010.Sep.02 11:41 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Not wrong, or you'd be hopping out of the hospital to fight your war and get smashed some more.
Really? That's how I'm supposed to do it? That's how this game is played? And I've been doing it wrong the whole time.
Imagine my chagrin. I included a link so you would have to look it up.

Yep. That's how it done, not by hiding in the hospital and being scared of the text.
Stim out, EADP. I've got something special for you guys.
(2010.Sep.02 11:58 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I've got something special for you guys.
Is it the short bus you rode to school?
Scared of the text, as usual.
I'm off to work. See you pansies tonight when I get off. Be ready to run your stims into the ground.
Name: BenderRodriguez [21392] Donator: 6 Days Left
User Class: Cyborg Member
User Level: 63
Gender: Male
Signed Up: March 16, 2008 6:36:53 am
Last Active: September 2, 2010 1:07:39 pm
Last Action: 39 seconds ago
Online: Online
Days Old: 900
Friends: 63
Enemies: 41
Referrals: 5
Physical Info
Health Status: Near Death
Gang: Justice League Of Robots
In hospital for 445 minutes. Reason : Hospitalized by WilliamR.
Nice edit. I thought you were going to work.
Tiiiiiiime to make the doughnuts.
(2010.Sep.02 12:34 PM)klaw16 Wrote: [ -> ]Tiiiiiiime to make the doughnuts.
At least he works where he can work on getting in shape. Round that is...
Is he the pear model for Fruit of the Loom?