(2010.Sep.01 11:56 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Stim out, twat. As for BlackClouds, he can go frag himself. My business is with you, and his business is finding some black drug dealer to pound his clap hole for some cheap shake.
lol. someone is ragging for me. keep refreshing fat guts. i will stim any second.

I'm waiting for you to fight the war you've set out to fight, yet I see you hiding out in the hospital until one of your many saviors comes to the rescue.
Stim out, unless you're ready to surrender.
(2010.Sep.02 12:01 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I'm waiting for you to fight the war you've set out to fight, yet I see you hiding out in the hospital until one of your many saviors comes to the rescue.
Stim out, unless you're ready to surrender.
eadp. we never surrender. fat guts. i will stim when i am ready.

You're surrendering right now by standing in the hospital like a no-balls sheep banger.
Stim out and fight.
(2010.Sep.02 12:04 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You're surrendering right now by standing in the hospital like a no-balls sheep banger.
Stim out and fight.
is that even possible to have no balls and bang a sheep? you really are a stupid ragging fat guts aren't you.

Didn't know you banged people with your balls, inbred sheep banger.
Good job for being a dunce. Stim out and fight,
(2010.Sep.02 12:15 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't know you banged people with your balls, inbred sheep banger.
Good job for being a dunce. Stim out and fight,
your mum takes everything i can give her. balls and all. dude sometimes i even reverse a truck in there.... the echo is amazing. but i guess its to be expected... she did give birth to fat guts.

If you really have a wife, she's probably the most disappointed thing on the planet. You know how to stuff your rod in a sheep, but you try to stuff your nuts in her.
Stim out and fight.
(2010.Sep.02 12:18 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]If you really have a wife, she's probably the most disappointed thing on the planet. You know how to stuff your rod in a sheep, but you try to stuff your nuts in her.
Stim out and fight.
blah blah blah stim out so i can have some contact with another person...... this is really sad fat guts. living your life in an online games forums is sad. i will stim out now just for you fat guts.

Go back to being a disappointment to your wife and a menace to the sheep population, no-balls inbred twat.
Stim out and fight.