(2010.Sep.02 09:47 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Get out of the hospital, Boy George. I'm not done with you, yet. Stop being scared of online spankings.
Truely sad.
I feel for you bro. I would kill myself if I couldn't think of ANYTHING original to say every time I opened my mouth.
Is it that hard to understand it's pointless to stim/nimbus with no EP in a hosp war?
Get out from under your Mother's tit and nimbus up, Boy George. I'm waiting for you to take the fight to me. You have plenty of EP, sitting in the hospital for 10 minutes, then in serious for another.
Does Chance really smooch peepees?
(2010.Sep.02 09:58 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Get out from under your Mother's tit and nimbus up, Boy George. I'm waiting for you to take the fight to me. You have plenty of EP, sitting in the hospital for 10 minutes, then in serious for another.
wow. you really have NO BRAINS.
Talking to you is even more boring than the laying down the villain family is doing in this hosp war.
(2010.Sep.02 09:26 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Nimbus up. I'm here to smash your gang, not listen to your retarded rant. Quit being a scared little twat and use your nimbus to fight.
"You have nothing to do with all your strength."
Stim out, Boy George. I know you have energy, now. Why don't you get out and run districts before I smash you again?
(2010.Sep.02 10:17 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Stim out, Boy George. I know you have energy, now. Why don't you get out and run districts before I smash you again?
Running out of cash are we? Chase me if you want a fight loser.
You have to stim out first, pansy. You know you have nothing on me. Now, come along and make me surrender.
(2010.Sep.02 10:20 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You have to stim out first, pansy. You know you have nothing on me. Now, come along and make me surrender.
Come to DD fat guts. Quit district hoping. Im sitting in fair waiting for you to hit me. Would taking my armor off make you feel less scared?
I'm too busy shitting on your little brother's gang, HorseTits. Come to Beach so I can zerk you and win.