(2010.Sep.02 12:32 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Go back to being a disappointment to your wife and a menace to the sheep population, no-balls inbred twat.
Stim out and fight.
haha. so now i know the real reason you got pun back. to help you with your insults. lol@fatguts.

Stim out and fight, Glenn. There's no reason to be scared. Bender's STILL fighting your fights for you.
Stim out and fight, Fat guts.
Stop fighting your brother's war, fat-tits.
This is my war fat guts. Quit hiding and fight.
Your war's up your ass, along with half the dics of the dingos across the backlands. Stop mooching off your country with your diability, fat-tits.
Wow, did you feel that tremor? I think Tommi's angry.
Sitm out and fight, Fat Guts. Quit hiding behind that skirt wearing weak ass and that thing he calls his wife.
Sender : Scammer [26653] online
Date : 1 September 10 @ 10:57:14 pm
Subject : RE(4):I thought this would be fun
You know what would really put the wind up thier skirts? If I were to become a villian.
Funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Glenn can't even control his own gang members from wanting to jump ship and fight against him.
At least he knows the winning side of this war, unlike the dude who thinks you fug with your nuts and the disabled desk jobber using tax money to make his internet life so much more easy.
Eat a dic, Bender. You're weak, just like Glenn. You can't hosp Punisher straight up.
I was only attempting to see if I could get you to go back on something you'd said before Tommi, that I'd never get into SV or VS. But obviously the bruise on your arse hasn't gone down yet.