Nimbus up, no-balls. I see you're still attacking VS, but you haven't the balls to come fact-to-face with me.
This is like high school aaaallll over again. The cool smart kids vs. the geeks.
It's nice to feel that again. Thanks, guys.

(2010.Sep.01 11:26 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Nimbus up, no-balls. I see you're still attacking VS, but you haven't the balls to come fact-to-face with me.
my balls aren't going near your face fat guts.

vs are part of your gang so they get hit. they can always leave if they don't want to be hosped. no deal for you though my portly friend. lol@fatguts.
Yeah yeah. All talk, no action. Nimbus up and fight me.
(2010.Sep.01 11:34 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah yeah. All talk, no action. Nimbus up and fight me.
i nimbus'd and hit a couple of vs. you have to move faster fat guts.
Or you have to really nimbus, sheep slammer.
(2010.Sep.01 11:38 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Or you have to really nimbus, sheep slammer.
you certainly are big on challenging someone you know has no chance of beating you one on one. why don't you zerk bender? would call you gutless, but we all know you have guts... just not where it counts.. fat guts.

Keep stimming out. Keep paying for hits from BlackClouds. Keep showing the world how much your gang's really going to get it.
(2010.Sep.01 11:49 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Keep stimming out. Keep paying for hits from BlackClouds. Keep showing the world how much your gang's really going to get it.
lol, you still think i paid for that? lmfao. i remember what you said about him in the forums. i bet he hasn't forgotten either fatguts.
hey why i got your attention tom, ever have this come up when you are trying to hosp someone?
Combat Decisions
You are being attacked by zen. You cannot attack at this time.
Stim out, twat. As for BlackClouds, he can go fuck himself. My business is with you, and his business is finding some black drug dealer to pound his clap hole for some cheap shake.