PFFT. You were trying your best to get into VS and be on the winning side of this war. Don't need to hide that you want to be a winner, not a loser like nutholes and Bender the motorboat queen.
(2010.Sep.02 12:48 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Sender : Scammer [26653] online
Date : 1 September 10 @ 10:57:14 pm
Subject : RE(4):I thought this would be fun
You know what would really put the wind up thier skirts? If I were to become a villian.
Funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Glenn can't even control his own gang members from wanting to jump ship and fight against him.
At least he knows the winning side of this war, unlike the dude who thinks you fug with your nuts and the disabled desk jobber using tax money to make his internet life so much more easy.
Eat a dic, Bender. You're weak, just like Glenn. You can't hosp Punisher straight up.
Lmao... That goes both ways fat guts, just like you. Pun can't hosp me straight up. The weak ass has 50/50 chance when im at half health.
I think his other account has better luck.
Hey, HorseTits. Pun's been shitting on your parade all day, yet you haven't tried to do anything to him for how long now?
Go back to the fields hunting your next bit of strange.
last 2 attacks from weak ass
Opponent(s) Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best
WilliamR Hosp Win 20 15 6,256 875 1,056 1093
WilliamR Hosp Win 30 20 5,008 2,201 1,629 1102
stim out fat guts
FROM. Not TO. You can't do anything to him, 'cause you're about as scared as your brother of the effects of this online game you love so much.
Go bang a few more dingos, then we'll talk, HorseTits.
I dont need to hit Pun. Hes doing a great job putting himself in the hosp for me. Leaves all my EP for you weak c*.
Sitm out and fight Fat guts.
He's part of the war too, HorseTits. Don't be scared to try and hosp Punisher. Of course, if you know you're going to lose because you're a weak ass bich, I understand. Everyone has a fear, and yours is trying to hospitalize Punisher and being humiliated when you lose horribly.
(2010.Sep.02 01:09 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]He's part of the war too, HorseTits. Don't be scared to try and hosp Punisher. Of course, if you know you're going to lose because you're a weak arse bich, I understand. Everyone has a fear, and yours is trying to hospitalize Punisher and being humiliated when you lose horribly.

That's right. Change your message so no one knows your Mom's really the Michelin Man.
(2010.Sep.02 01:09 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]He's part of the war too, HorseTits. Don't be scared to try and hosp Punisher. Of course, if you know you're going to lose because you're a weak arse bich, I understand. Everyone has a fear, and yours is trying to hospitalize Punisher and being humiliated when you lose horribly.
And your fear is being mistaken for a pile of flat tyres.