(2009.Jul.20 10:58 PM)zenith Wrote: (2009.Jul.20 10:55 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: guess Pun wont see 70 for quite some time. a year maybe?
That's assuming someone can hit him. Like I stated in the newspaper, it will be tweaked. But at the moment if they aren't even doing any damage to you, or so low that you can refresh it in one tick... then chances are they won't provide full XP.
Find someone who is a good fight for you and you will get more XP than normal.
So those people who can take 70% of my HP in one fight and then almost none the next fight.... how are the equated? on a fight per fight basis?
Looks like the I can say anything I want to anybody I want code is back... don't worry just a few more stims and he can't put me in for more than 50 mins! (hosp code for those who don't remember it)... it usually happens when a couple lil guys are getting pawned and we all get to suffer for their mouths

still luv ya zen