I'm begging you all please. Think of the little ones, take real good care of them this year.
Merry Christmas to all
good, something to help me study, a little time in the hospital...this game can become a distraction when your looking for a way out of microeconomics textbook!
I say no candies, real stats and skills, yo candies arent gonna last forever(neither will mine)....
say, do we get something for being in the Hos many times ?
You get AIDS from being in Hos too much!
i dont like Aids, but if i pick that up i no longer need to use a condom any more right ? that as what my doctor say any way .
(2009.Dec.08 01:07 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Just so you know, just because there's a shadow over me does NOT mean I can hide under it or that it will protect me. People can still smack me all they want.
Spacebird's the only person with stones in your gang. I thought I'd put that out there.
Suck me,
Anybody and everybody who knows me damn sure knows I ain't scurred and I have a helluva right hook baby!
I think hosp wars are fun, they add danger to the game! With every click that little event saying you got your ass handed to you by someones bank account may appear! I may have to dump a few lbs of dro to stay out of the hosp longest!
could ask zen for a tag...most times hospod....sounds like a nice one to own...means lots of stimming and smack talk will be needed
Welll I will leave the posting of VS to Tommi, but yes we are definitely siding with SV.
On hearing a noise from the strange world of men
A whole pack of Lycans peek out of their den
A hosp war is coming, it's close now we hear
Like nothing yet seen......well, except for last year
So get ready the nurses, new beds, A&E
We will side with our allies and fight with SV
Good thing your gang sucks