Last year Dingus people played the game as it used to be, This year its looking like its changed. I don't think for the better.
How would the game be better if SV didnt exist, how would you all play?
Raf would be top and everyone would hate dis instead.
(2009.Dec.09 10:49 AM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]Lights out uh huh
Didn't say we were going anywhere.
(2009.Dec.09 10:22 AM)CrazyMatt Wrote: [ -> ]To MrBlume, who can take me in combat.
One more for the I am too good to fight list!
Not too good to fight. Well, too good for you obv, but this is redonkulously stupid. The hypocrisy is the WORST part of this. Not the actual hopsing/getting hosp'd.
(2009.Dec.09 10:21 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Can I continue to click monotonously all day or try to put all that training to use for a day.
I have a very good feel for who I can and can't beat. I dont need to test myself in a one-sided, made for TV contest where a majority of the participants are on steroids (I ate all my candy already).
(2009.Dec.09 10:42 AM)CrazyMatt Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.09 10:30 AM)thrillhouse Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.09 10:07 AM)CrazyMatt Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.09 09:58 AM)thrillhouse Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.09 09:48 AM)CrazyMatt Wrote: [ -> ]So little courage. With respect to those that are brave, for the most part your gangs do not reflect those few.
Really? How would you define courage?
Courage: Is intelligent, you know you may face defeat! At least you can say you fought you did not lay down, you fought with some honor!
Bravery: To not know the outcome but you pursued anyhow with some hope, this hope that you could succeed!
I see many cowards in this land however......
In your mirror probably-You are under the protection of the most powerful gang in the game, that includes at least one member that cannot be defeated be anyone else in the game, who decided to rough up everyone until they publicly give up, and then after they give up, rough them up some more -I am humbled by your bravery-I'm sure if the New England Patriots were to come to your Jr high and challenge their team, you would courageously back the Pats, and then defend their decision to use videotape of their practice to help pick apart their defense.
Minnesota Vikings actually, Thank You! Since I was 5. You all have less fight than Iraq did the first time! I would pick the Defense apart, but then you would know nothing about picking a defense apart. You would be sitting on the sidelines knowing you could do nothing, your character and what you built had no value!
And after the Vikings laid out all those Jr high kids, maybe, just maybe, over that field of injured kids, you, with all your bravery and courage, could grab the football, and run one in from the one yard line. Afterwards at the press conference you call in your honor, you could thank yourself for all your hard work and chastise the children for not being more couragous like you-
How bout you stick to your word for once. We said we were out and we are still being hit.
you are right, the game is starting to suck. Its way off balance. Its too easy for a person to control this game through donations.
Who do you blame for this change? (don't look to far)
(2009.Dec.09 10:43 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Figure out a way to disband SV then if no one wants us to be top dogs. Oh wait that option was deleted because the wimps whined.
Everyone whined when pullo was no1, everyone moaned at sarge before him.
The game is flawed, switch it off, we won.
I agree, You won (win). Congrats.
We dont deny that we are at the root of the problem, yet when Demolition were no1 with Pullo, Sarge, Yoda etc we at least tried to stand up to them. We all know that this game can be bought, Pullo chose to destroy, Pun at least tries to encourage some sort of fun.
It wasnt long ago that Space Wranglers claimed to be no1 and on current showing they werent far off!
If Xpats ruled AL, it would be french and every hideout would fly a white flag.
On the coat tails he rides..........
(2009.Dec.09 11:06 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]On the coat tails he rides..........
under a table he hides..........
You bet! I don't stand a chance against the level 52 and 65 that have hit me