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Ive been thinking about this issue for a while and wondered what the comunity thought about this issue.
When a new player comes to AL how will they ever compete with the high skill users?Lets say a new Pullo came along,even if that player had the best stats in the game they would still lose many battle's due to lack of the firepower skills offer.
I have 2 suggestions.
1) Limit the max amount a skill can be trained,say cap it at 15
2) Allow extra training of a skill to be done daily for a cost,say 20 credits a train without ever being able to do more than the total possible from incept day of the skills addition.To be allowed to catch up for a cost.
Your thoughs on this please.
Gee i dunno... u can only train your skill as high as ur intelligence is... not too many ppl out there who have intel over 20.... would be rather unfair to limit it just for some n00b
(2009.Aug.08 05:51 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]Ive been thinking about this issue for a while and wondered what the comunity thought about this issue.
When a new player comes to AL how will they ever compete with the high skill users?Lets say a new Pullo came along,even if that player had the best stats in the game they would still lose many battle's due to lack of the firepower skills offer.
I have 2 suggestions.
1) Limit the max amount a skill can be trained,say cap it at 15
2) Allow extra training of a skill to be done daily for a cost,say 20 credits a train without ever being able to do more than the total possible from incept day of the skills addition.To be allowed to catch up for a cost.
Your thoughs on this please.
i was thinking about this myself. i think skills should be able to be trained as much as gym. i mean i can study as much as i want in RL and that seems to be the basis for skills from the feedback i got from the "Can i switch my skill" thread.
So make skills be able to be studied infinitely and make the test cost a bit more or maybe set a cap like Biff said.
Hhhmm i dont know im still a noob compaired to you guys and girls but im catching some "older" players, but i would like to be able to train skills all day long...I know its been said before but how about a skills day like gym day...????

I dont think a cap would be fair on the older player.....
I am not really in favor of training it all day.I like the slow concept of the skills.Makes it more valuable as a part of your daily training.What I am concerned with is the power skills now hold on the game.They are to all intents and purposes more valuable than stats.I say this because when you have 8 or 9 in a skill they become super powerful,one hit can cause huge damage.Before skills came out we were lucky to get a 500 hit in,now it seems players hit 1000 on a regular basis.If it continues... there wont be any more stalemates.1 hit could do the job on a level 30 player.
Have they become too powerful? Thats not the point.If you could train them indefinately the game would be fck'd.
The slow way for sure.But I think new players will be more than miffed if they cannot compete.It wont even be a close call in 6 more months.The new guys won't stand a cat in hells chance.I think everyone should be able to catch up,not surpass what is already the limit.
If skills were introduced 300 days ago (not sure when) lets just say 300,then new players should be able to spend/donate,to catch up those 300 days.In fact we all should be able to catch up if we have missed days.
the noobs should have started playing when I did, over 2 years ago, if they wanted a level playing field
(2009.Aug.08 06:15 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]the noobs should have started playing when I did, over 2 years ago, if they wanted a level playing field
Ehh.. then they would not be noobs...would they?
(2009.Aug.08 06:15 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]the noobs should have started playing when I did, over 2 years ago, if they wanted a level playing field
Regardless of what you say,the issue is of real relevance.With a daily cap of trains a day no new player will ever be able to compete.Skills are way too powerful.There should be a way to regain the lost days.
(2009.Aug.08 06:25 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.08 06:15 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]the noobs should have started playing when I did, over 2 years ago, if they wanted a level playing field
Regardless of what you say,the issue is of real relevance.With a daily cap of trains a day no new player will ever be able to compete.Skills are way too powerful.There should be a way to regain the lost days.
or lower the power of skills. and make the weapon you use the main factor in how u hit!
Lets just clarify this in simple terms.I remember not so long ago that hitting for 900 was worthy of a mention on the forums.I also remember the day that chance got the first 1000+ hit.It was grounbreaking news and shocked a lot of us.
Now take a look at the pantheon.
Rank User Damage
1 SV Infinite93 1,409
2 -X- Phisheva 1,386
3 SP^CE Conrad 1,381
4 {7}Laws konyen 1,356
5 -X- BlackClouds 1,351
6 SP^CE spacebird 1,340
7 -X- BlackClouds 1,325
8 SP^CE Conrad 1,321
9 ^V^ LEGofLAMBofGOD 1,313
10 ALFD ChiefEagle 1,311
So we have new weapons that may make a difference but I dont see one justification in these hits.They are beyond mortal.How can new players compete with this? They cannot.So why should they suffer.They can credit refresh for stats,why not skills too??
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