2009.Aug.09, 09:26 AM
2009.Aug.09, 09:31 AM
Biff, I know what you are saying.
However, I say instead of giving bonus or limitation on what skill levels, how about we give new players with a Skill Day every month.
This way, if anyone missed it, its their lost. The skill day let you train skill with a trainer at a cost of 15% of energy for each skill point.
However, I say instead of giving bonus or limitation on what skill levels, how about we give new players with a Skill Day every month.
This way, if anyone missed it, its their lost. The skill day let you train skill with a trainer at a cost of 15% of energy for each skill point.
2009.Aug.09, 09:38 AM
(2009.Aug.09 08:40 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]You want facts?
Rank User Damage
1 SV Infinite93 1,409
2 -X- Phisheva 1,386
3 SP^CE Conrad 1,381
4 {7}Laws konyen 1,356
5 -X- BlackClouds 1,351
6 SP^CE spacebird 1,340
7 -X- BlackClouds 1,325
8 SP^CE Conrad 1,321
9 ^V^ LEGofLAMBofGOD 1,313
10 ALFD ChiefEagle 1,311
Now find where in the list pullo is,w00k or loki is.
One thing you are missing is they did not have the new weapons when they were here. I hit over 1000 with my p-5 and no skill in pistol I have lvl 10 skill now and am not hitting 2000 so it does not double the hits it may add a few hundred once in a while but not all the time. Facts can show what you want them to if you don't tell the whole story. I bet i could do a few 1200's with a sb1 and no skill if i used it for a 6 months or so that's AL random land.
2009.Aug.09, 09:50 AM
I bet you could not do 1200 with an sb1 and no skill.No matter what your stats.They don't match any of w00k,loki or pullo stats and they had an SB1 limited skills so that argument is dead.
I think they hit a couple of 900's in their prime.
I think they hit a couple of 900's in their prime.
2009.Aug.09, 10:01 AM
The way the skills are set up it takes more and more hours to complete each level. The way that levels the field is thus:
Assuming I decide I want to be long blade. I know there are players who have 300+ days of skills under their belts, and there are probably some who have studied nothing but long blade since day 1. If I started studying long blade today, I could get rank 1 in about 10 days, rank 2 in around 20 days, rank 3 in what, 40 or so? I think (though I'm just speculating) that it doubles with every rank you go up. Eventually it will work out that I am just finishing a rank while the guy who has been studying nothing but long blade since day 1 is still studying for the next rank. We'll be equal in ranks even though he's been studying forever.
If it really does double with every level, then the progression would be 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640. Thinking about it, that's not really the case, it can't double with every level because there are people with higher ranks than that. But you get the point.
It's the same as with stats. Shadowguard is #1 in strength, at least today. If he continues to train strength and nothing else at the same rate as he is now (assuming he's got some huge house), and I were to do the same thing with a ranch, I'd still eventually catch him. As it takes him more and more dev points to level up the stat, I'd eventually be starting the same level stat as he was still in.
Yes, it may take years. I'm here for the long haul. I'm a donator. Maybe not "heavy" but I've donated my fair share. I get my butt handed to me by the older players. I have since early on. WilliamR once hit me in a gang battle. One-shot-one-kill. he did 800+ points to me in one hit when I had around 350-400 HP if I recall. This didn't discourage me. This didn't cause me to want to leave. It made me want to get stronger. Heck, you've obliterated me 5 times in a row during one battle, and 3 more times the next day. I just know that means I have to work harder to catch you.
I have a number of real life friends who play this game. They've been playing for hundreds of days more than me. I knew skills were important. I didn't feel cheated because I had fewer skills than them, I just knew I didn't want to miss a single skill train (which I have, in point of fact) so I could get them up as fast as possible.
Would I like to have more skills in a day? Sure, as long as everyone has access to the same amount. If everything in a game can be bought, then there will be those who buy it, burn out because they've gone too high too fast, and quit.
If someone were to propose something like "for every 5 points of INT you get, you can study one more hour per day" I'd support it. It would allow someone who wants to buy some extra skill trains the ability to do so, but it would limit it practically. The same benefit someone gets from buying 20 END in the first couple of days/weeks would help them reel in the higher level non-donators.
I know that was long-winded, so for those skimmers I'll summarize. I'm a fairly young donator. I have at best middle-value skills and am happy with them where they are. I'm not arguing to keep my lofty stats. A new person could reach my highest skill in 100 days or less, I'm sure.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read to the bottom of this.
Assuming I decide I want to be long blade. I know there are players who have 300+ days of skills under their belts, and there are probably some who have studied nothing but long blade since day 1. If I started studying long blade today, I could get rank 1 in about 10 days, rank 2 in around 20 days, rank 3 in what, 40 or so? I think (though I'm just speculating) that it doubles with every rank you go up. Eventually it will work out that I am just finishing a rank while the guy who has been studying nothing but long blade since day 1 is still studying for the next rank. We'll be equal in ranks even though he's been studying forever.
If it really does double with every level, then the progression would be 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640. Thinking about it, that's not really the case, it can't double with every level because there are people with higher ranks than that. But you get the point.
It's the same as with stats. Shadowguard is #1 in strength, at least today. If he continues to train strength and nothing else at the same rate as he is now (assuming he's got some huge house), and I were to do the same thing with a ranch, I'd still eventually catch him. As it takes him more and more dev points to level up the stat, I'd eventually be starting the same level stat as he was still in.
Yes, it may take years. I'm here for the long haul. I'm a donator. Maybe not "heavy" but I've donated my fair share. I get my butt handed to me by the older players. I have since early on. WilliamR once hit me in a gang battle. One-shot-one-kill. he did 800+ points to me in one hit when I had around 350-400 HP if I recall. This didn't discourage me. This didn't cause me to want to leave. It made me want to get stronger. Heck, you've obliterated me 5 times in a row during one battle, and 3 more times the next day. I just know that means I have to work harder to catch you.
I have a number of real life friends who play this game. They've been playing for hundreds of days more than me. I knew skills were important. I didn't feel cheated because I had fewer skills than them, I just knew I didn't want to miss a single skill train (which I have, in point of fact) so I could get them up as fast as possible.
Would I like to have more skills in a day? Sure, as long as everyone has access to the same amount. If everything in a game can be bought, then there will be those who buy it, burn out because they've gone too high too fast, and quit.
If someone were to propose something like "for every 5 points of INT you get, you can study one more hour per day" I'd support it. It would allow someone who wants to buy some extra skill trains the ability to do so, but it would limit it practically. The same benefit someone gets from buying 20 END in the first couple of days/weeks would help them reel in the higher level non-donators.
I know that was long-winded, so for those skimmers I'll summarize. I'm a fairly young donator. I have at best middle-value skills and am happy with them where they are. I'm not arguing to keep my lofty stats. A new person could reach my highest skill in 100 days or less, I'm sure.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read to the bottom of this.
2009.Aug.09, 10:10 AM
Im done with this discussion, Biff I dont see what your issue is. New players will be the weakest, its the way it will always be. They will catch up. WilliamR, AsgardThor. Both younger players than I am yet both can beat me easily. Just the same as I have passed Sarge. New weapons and armour continue to be released and will affect battles. Skills will enhance you but having the top weapons will always be the main advantage. No one agrees with you biff, let it lie and for god sake don't mail to put off new players or you will only damage the game we all love and at the same time im sure Zen will have something to say about your opinions.
2009.Aug.09, 10:16 AM
These are my estimate after completing this amount of skill. As you can see, in the beginning, the new player can get the first 2 skills with the same time as the older player getting 1 skill. At this rate, the new player can eventually catch up.
Skill 1 around 21 days completion time frame
Skill 2 around 24 days completion time frame
Skill 3 around 27 days completion time frame
Skill 4 around 30 days completion time frame
Skill 5 around 33 days completion time frame
Skill 6 around 36 days completion time frame
Skill 7 around 39 days completion time frame
Skill 8 around 43 days completion time frame
Plus, Skill does not increase your attack dramatically. You can always compensate by increasing your stats. Plus, taking down an opponent is not all about critical hit, its about overall average damage.
//This is based on 1 Skill increase an average damage of 6 per hit.
For example.
Player A with 7 Skill with an accuracy of 45 stats can dealt an average of 200 damage.
Player B with 2 Skill with an accuracy of 45 stats can dealt an average of 170 damage.
I strongly believe that if Player B increase their accuracy at a much faster rate than Player A, player B can do much more damage than player A easily.
Of course, as the higher player get skill to a new high ground, there should be some type of bonus for hardcore dedicated individual for a boost. I can definitely see the Skill trainer once per month as a visible solution. Maybe we can put this Skill trainer on the same day as the Gymboree. They will have to choose, Skill or Gymboree. You gain something, u lose something. Pretty fair
And, I am here since the Skill has been introduce, so, either way, it wont bother me. My point is, if later, I get level 15 skill in a weapon. A new guy will take 2 years+ to catch up with me in Skill. (If he's lucky) I do not mind giving any hardcore player a slight advantage to catch up.
Skill 1 around 21 days completion time frame
Skill 2 around 24 days completion time frame
Skill 3 around 27 days completion time frame
Skill 4 around 30 days completion time frame
Skill 5 around 33 days completion time frame
Skill 6 around 36 days completion time frame
Skill 7 around 39 days completion time frame
Skill 8 around 43 days completion time frame
Plus, Skill does not increase your attack dramatically. You can always compensate by increasing your stats. Plus, taking down an opponent is not all about critical hit, its about overall average damage.
//This is based on 1 Skill increase an average damage of 6 per hit.
For example.
Player A with 7 Skill with an accuracy of 45 stats can dealt an average of 200 damage.
Player B with 2 Skill with an accuracy of 45 stats can dealt an average of 170 damage.
I strongly believe that if Player B increase their accuracy at a much faster rate than Player A, player B can do much more damage than player A easily.
Of course, as the higher player get skill to a new high ground, there should be some type of bonus for hardcore dedicated individual for a boost. I can definitely see the Skill trainer once per month as a visible solution. Maybe we can put this Skill trainer on the same day as the Gymboree. They will have to choose, Skill or Gymboree. You gain something, u lose something. Pretty fair
And, I am here since the Skill has been introduce, so, either way, it wont bother me. My point is, if later, I get level 15 skill in a weapon. A new guy will take 2 years+ to catch up with me in Skill. (If he's lucky) I do not mind giving any hardcore player a slight advantage to catch up.
2009.Aug.09, 10:36 AM
you guys worry too much about it. i dont think the younger players are even as worried. everyone who plays tough enough im sure just hopes that one day the stronger players are going to be slipping and get lazy or just retire and make room for another star player. although i think a day you can keep training your skills would be pretty beneficial in that sense...and i guess eventually only the people with huge intel will have huge skills
2009.Aug.09, 10:49 AM
You are all missing the point.
Game play in a game like this should be a level playing field for everyone.I am not talking about careers or school but actual game play.
When a new player stats they will always be behind on skills no matter what and that is just wrong.Its gameplay.When you join a game should not dictate your skills.As these have become very important in game play terms,they should be available for everyone.
The suggestion is simple.If skills have been out 300 days then let new players,(if they can donate and wish to spend hard earned cash on skills) have the option to pay for their lack of skill trains upto and including 300 days worth,no more or less.
Now I can bet that 99% of new players will never donate as much as to do the 300 skill days,but if they could then well done.They have just given zen $1000,given zen more cash to spend on upgrading the game,kept us all in an AL world for another month.
It's not a free plate.If they wan't to dine let them.Very few would but don't dismiss the option.Gym refresh's are there,energy+happiness and has been for as long as I remember.That is not a cry all part of the game.People who can afford $20 to do 15 full gym trains at full happiness keep the game in cash.
Like I have said you are over reacting to the suggestion.99% won't use the option 1% will,but if they can afford to keep paying zen for the game then let them.Don't discriminate over age of the player.
Remember a rich new player keeps the game ticking for us all.
Game play in a game like this should be a level playing field for everyone.I am not talking about careers or school but actual game play.
When a new player stats they will always be behind on skills no matter what and that is just wrong.Its gameplay.When you join a game should not dictate your skills.As these have become very important in game play terms,they should be available for everyone.
The suggestion is simple.If skills have been out 300 days then let new players,(if they can donate and wish to spend hard earned cash on skills) have the option to pay for their lack of skill trains upto and including 300 days worth,no more or less.
Now I can bet that 99% of new players will never donate as much as to do the 300 skill days,but if they could then well done.They have just given zen $1000,given zen more cash to spend on upgrading the game,kept us all in an AL world for another month.
It's not a free plate.If they wan't to dine let them.Very few would but don't dismiss the option.Gym refresh's are there,energy+happiness and has been for as long as I remember.That is not a cry all part of the game.People who can afford $20 to do 15 full gym trains at full happiness keep the game in cash.
Like I have said you are over reacting to the suggestion.99% won't use the option 1% will,but if they can afford to keep paying zen for the game then let them.Don't discriminate over age of the player.
Remember a rich new player keeps the game ticking for us all.
2009.Aug.09, 11:12 AM
But the skills are limited stop thinking of the NEW guy and remember that we are all going to hit the ceiling some day. yes i may be ahead of him now but if he is a donator he will have more cash and a better house then me (for his level) and eventually if i want to rank up in a skill past lvl 12 not only do i have to put in ALOT of studying hours, i also have to put in $20 for a new level of int. and while skill do help you with your overall power they more so seem to up the experience given when people beat me