so i think that the new players dont need to catch up to the old ones really because the old ones have been at it longer and therefore are going to be better...
and as for how skill hours seem to even out:
Combat - Short-Bladed Melee 0 8 7.9% Incomplete Study
Combat - Shotgun 4 12 3.8% Incomplete Study
the short blade has 2/3 hours and a little over twice the percent than my shotty which is 4 ranks up
(2009.Aug.09 10:49 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]You are all missing the point.
Game play in a game like this should be a level playing field for everyone.I am not talking about careers or school but actual game play.
When a new player stats they will always be behind on skills no matter what and that is just wrong.Its gameplay.When you join a game should not dictate your skills.As these have become very important in game play terms,they should be available for everyone.
The suggestion is simple.If skills have been out 300 days then let new players,(if they can donate and wish to spend hard earned cash on skills) have the option to pay for their lack of skill trains upto and including 300 days worth,no more or less.
Now I can bet that 99% of new players will never donate as much as to do the 300 skill days,but if they could then well done.They have just given zen $1000,given zen more cash to spend on upgrading the game,kept us all in an AL world for another month.
It's not a free plate.If they wan't to dine let them.Very few would but don't dismiss the option.Gym refresh's are there,energy+happiness and has been for as long as I remember.That is not a cry all part of the game.People who can afford $20 to do 15 full gym trains at full happiness keep the game in cash.
Like I have said you are over reacting to the suggestion.99% won't use the option 1% will,but if they can afford to keep paying zen for the game then let them.Don't discriminate over age of the player.
Remember a rich new player keeps the game ticking for us all.
This is my final comment on this topic.
Not that you are not making a point, but there are so many other stuff a new Pullo player can do.
New player should focus on something that they can do.
- Pack with a competitive HP (You need your level)
- Increase your Acc (Make sure you hit 100% of the time)
- Increase your dex (Evade attack most of the time)
- Get the best Housing
- Increase Rep and use that $40+ trainer
- Increase your endurance
All those listed about can be achieve with money. As for Skills, I don't think donating is a good idea. Skill has been implemented with activities in mind. We should keep it that way. I do not mind Zen to post some activities for new and old player to increase Skill though
i missed a skill level or two while i was inactive. i would like to make up for it but i wont expect it.
if skills are done then careers should too
(2009.Aug.09 06:48 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.09 06:26 AM)shadow55 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.09 06:14 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]Gameplay should be able to be bought or atleast levelled out.
WHAT?? no it shouldnt!!
Duh yes it should.You non donators piss me off.Without paying players you would not have a game.I'll go out of my way from now on to message every single new player about the skills scenario.I'll let them know that players who with 0 skill level can hit 500 with a sb1 and those with same stats and rank 10 skills can hit for over twice that amount.Then I will tell them you cannot get your skills up to the level of the piggyback non donators.See how many dip in to their pockets and donate.
That sounds like disclaimer 26 material.
(2009.Aug.09 06:57 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]skills now make up a huge basis for the gameplay now.
Captain Retard to the hull.
I happen to tell my new recruits that this is one of the things they might want to forget about up until they find the weapon of their choice. Instead, tell them to go defensive and stay on their toes at all times.
Again; Really wish this thread would burn.
(2009.Aug.09 10:49 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]You are all missing the point.
Game play in a game like this should be a level playing field for everyone.I am not talking about careers or school but actual game play.
When a new player stats they will always be behind on skills no matter what and that is just wrong.Its gameplay.When you join a game should not dictate your skills.As these have become very important in game play terms,they should be available for everyone.
The suggestion is simple.If skills have been out 300 days then let new players,(if they can donate and wish to spend hard earned cash on skills) have the option to pay for their lack of skill trains upto and including 300 days worth,no more or less.
Now I can bet that 99% of new players will never donate as much as to do the 300 skill days,but if they could then well done.They have just given zen $1000,given zen more cash to spend on upgrading the game,kept us all in an AL world for another month.
It's not a free plate.If they wan't to dine let them.Very few would but don't dismiss the option.Gym refresh's are there,energy+happiness and has been for as long as I remember.That is not a cry all part of the game.People who can afford $20 to do 15 full gym trains at full happiness keep the game in cash.
Like I have said you are over reacting to the suggestion.99% won't use the option 1% will,but if they can afford to keep paying zen for the game then let them.Don't discriminate over age of the player.
Remember a rich new player keeps the game ticking for us all.
This statement is completely wrong, also. It should be level game play, if everyone was the same robotic person programmed the exact same way in Hello Kitty: Island Adventures. But we're all different, we all do different things.
As for the 'can never catch up,' bottle neck. 'Nough said there.
If people like the game(And not scared off by some dilljack because he wants his way), they'll stick around and, eventually, donate a little bit of money to the game..But them donating $2,000 doesn't keep the game ticking..People playing a free to play online game that keeps it ticking..$$$ is just an added bonus to motivate Zenith even more.
Tommi actually makes a fine point there. Should a new player invest heavily to up their skill in for example shotgun, only to decide a couple of months later that they want to go SMG or even Melee then that amount of cash is a waste. They wont donate again.
(2009.Aug.09 12:43 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.09 10:49 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]You are all missing the point.
Game play in a game like this should be a level playing field for everyone.I am not talking about careers or school but actual game play.
When a new player stats they will always be behind on skills no matter what and that is just wrong.Its gameplay.When you join a game should not dictate your skills.As these have become very important in game play terms,they should be available for everyone.
The suggestion is simple.If skills have been out 300 days then let new players,(if they can donate and wish to spend hard earned cash on skills) have the option to pay for their lack of skill trains upto and including 300 days worth,no more or less.
Now I can bet that 99% of new players will never donate as much as to do the 300 skill days,but if they could then well done.They have just given zen $1000,given zen more cash to spend on upgrading the game,kept us all in an AL world for another month.
It's not a free plate.If they wan't to dine let them.Very few would but don't dismiss the option.Gym refresh's are there,energy+happiness and has been for as long as I remember.That is not a cry all part of the game.People who can afford $20 to do 15 full gym trains at full happiness keep the game in cash.
Like I have said you are over reacting to the suggestion.99% won't use the option 1% will,but if they can afford to keep paying zen for the game then let them.Don't discriminate over age of the player.
Remember a rich new player keeps the game ticking for us all.
This is my final comment on this topic.
You are the one missing the point. Skills really aren't even close to being "a huge basis of the gameplay now". Like I said in my first post on this topic they are handy but all they really do is add to the sum of all the parts.
I really don't know what you are getting so worked up about Biff. You retire, come back and suddenly think skills are this awesome ability and that new payers will be gimped if they aren't given an option of buying them.
You offer the pantheon as evidence without even knowing what skills each of those players have or hell even what weapons they use for that matter. Level 60 weapons are quite potent and are the biggest reason those players are on that list. For all you know all of them might only have skills in military assault which would have no effect on the total. Since the pantheon seems to be the only evidence you have bought to the table lets test it. Go and take a look at the tag in my profile then go and find my name in the pantheon on the best hits for an attacker and tell me where my 2000 damage hit is. I currently use a level 60 weapon and for the record my skill is a relevant weapon skill.
Even if I were to humor your idea of new players being able donate for skills they would just wasting their money in my view. Endurance is still king and is a way better investment over the long haul.
I only read page 1 and 11 but if it catching up were arguing about, then you need to realize that while I'll level my skills from 14 to 15, a new player will raise his from 0 to 6 and then from 6 to 9-10 while I get to level 16 (which would cost what? 250-300k per test?).
I think thats what we can call catching up, no?