(2010.Feb.22 01:53 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]thank god, it has been moved to a part of the forum where it can rot forever.
LOL I was thinking the exact same thing

i like send a line, needle, or a roach better.
and i must say that, whichever mod moved this thread has earned a shitton of respect from me. no offense sis, but it shouldn't have been in the gen forum no matter what way you look at it.
None taken bird. My last post says I agree. I give up. This horse is stinking up the place. Time to make some glue.
Still got 192 yes votes. Still hold the record for most votes in a poll. I'll take the postives and move on.
Sure they'll be some more negitive comments after this. Nothing like kicking someone when they are down.

What ever gets their rocks off. It's the little things in life. Rock on!